Speed Settings

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    • Speed Settings

      So t'is my proposal: allow us to make games with speed factors of x150 and beyond. I think it'll make the game more fun because it could now be played in one sitting, and maybe we could even have a trophy system where players who end up first place get say 10 trophies.

      This is different from gold because having a lot of gold doesn't necessarily mean a player has won a lot of games. Having a lot of experience too isn't a really good indicator of one's capability because one can't lose experience, but with this trophy system players would lose trophies if they die really fast. To make sure this doesn't affect newer players we could add this as an option when making games - there would be the games that are generated as they are now, but players could also add these games for other players who are looking for a session of CoW could join.

      We've got games with speed factors of x4 and x2, and they make games more fun when more things happen in a short period of time.
      One day there will be no more wars