Again, I do apologise. I sound like a noob rn
"Imma play CoW to calm down" - Literally nobody ever
Talvisota of the Abrahamic Caliphate
Talvisota of the Abrahamic Caliphate
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The post was edited 1 time, last by Carking the 6th ().
Komrade Khrushchev wrote:
Do we have to represent the continent we are from?
Talvisota wrote:
Ohhhhhhhhhh I get it! So each continent is represented by a coalition of European nations?
Talvisota wrote:
I was under the impression that if you were American you would be on a homefront map, european is CoN, etc and then there'd be so e big endgame on HWW or smth
Carking the 6th wrote:
@Claudio NVKP, Can I please be changed to Asia? I’d like to be on the same team as @Amotah. And… I’m from Asia.
Claudio NVKP wrote:
I will decide.
Carking the 6th wrote:
Yes, of course.Komrade Khrushchev wrote:
Do we have to represent the continent we are from?
YesTalvisota wrote:
Ohhhhhhhhhh I get it! So each continent is represented by a coalition of European nations?