Deliver commandos by sub?

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    • I don't disagree with your idea, but I was thinking something a little different... that is, transporting commandos by sub similar to how aircraft carriers transport planes.

      Perhaps some limits... For example, not allowing subs to transport commandos without reaching a certain level, like say, only for subs maxed out at star level... or perhaps, to make it easier, at the highest level before star level, so that everyone theoretically could use the feature on any given map... or easier still, a sub could transport a commando of equal or lesser rank (similar to the stealth-discovery rule already in use)...

      Just some ideas to start the discussion...
    • Sounds good in concept, but you have to understand the scale of what you're recommending. I commando unit represents just that, an entire unit; battalion if my memory serves. A battalion is a lot of troops, considerably more that WWII submarines were designed to accommodate. I understand delivering smaller teams of commandos to do specific tasks, but those tasks aren't reflected well at the strategic level with the current mechanics of the game. I would think that's closer to spy features. You can currently have spies do sabotage missions and don't need to work through the logistics of getting them there. All you do is assign the spy to the province for either type of sabotage mission and hope for sapper daddy's blessing.