Comintern interceptors

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    • Comintern interceptors

      Guys give some love to Comintern. (I know some hate commies irl but that shouldnt affect the game).

      Here are my reasons why Comintern interceptors shouldn't have nerfed reasearch times:
      -They lose ANYWAY against the same level interceptors of any other doctrine. So i dont understand why you kick someone who is already down. (To clarify they lose resource wise, lower costs dont recompense this)
      -It's quite a challenge to find someone building interceptors anyway and this buff probably wont change it.
      -It will reduce their biggest weakness that makes them somehow unfun to play. But to keep balance it will also make them spend less resources on RA - their strongest weapon.

      Guys i promise it won't break the game. Those interceptors still require investments and probably won't become the meta anyway. I know rocket figthers are better choice for commies but their range is a huge issue for all those large Comintern nations in Asia.
      Small change to enable more interesting playstyles for 1/4 of players.
      Most players probably won't even notice this but some who enjoy playing with calculators won't be forced to sweat after a thought of facing aircrafts players.
    • Aka the only doctrine that has a whole branch unplayable(aircrafts) followed by mediocre 3 more (naval, infantry, tanks).
      With only ordnance and secret being decent.
      Okay their tanks get buffs but it doesnt change the fact that all of them are slow AF therefore still mediocre.

      If we are talking about doctrines being beyond broken that was Axis RRGs before rework but the general complain was on RRGs, not the absolutely broken Axis RRGs. And somehow game was still playable...

      So i will happily watch the weakest doctrine become OP with that change.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sewur ().

    • Not to mention, the horrible avatar that they have...
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • I would rather have them use more granular sprites for the different upgrades. The commintern interceptor can go from I-153, to YaK 1, to LA-7. Similarly, the Allied interceptor could be something luke Hawker Hurricane, Spitfire, to Tempest. German interceptors can go from 109, 190, to 262. Pan Asian from Zero-sen, Raiden, to the Reppu.