All Countries All In: Nationalist China Playthrough

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    • All Countries All In: Nationalist China Playthrough

      Hello everyone, my All Countries All In game ended today few hours ago. It is hard to be proud of my 800 odd points when I see USA with a solo victory. Let's see how I played the game although it was kinda hard due to the 4x speed.

      Start of Game Day 1:
      On the first day I allied with a few important nations. Firstly I allied with Japan who (I might as well point this out right now) remained more or less inactive until I attacked him a day after an epic battle whose details I will share later on. I also shared map with Germany, Xinjiang, Afghanistan and USA and joined the Slavic Reich coalition made by the USSR in which were Yugoslavia and another minor nation which I have forgotten... Newspaper battles were the only thing left besides war, and China and Greece decided to join in: China sent a list of 20 questions with the prefix "Do you know" (the last question was: how to shut up?) and Greece threw one question which I counter questioned with my question. For those of you who are interested, you can find the game ID 8126426 and read the newspapers on day 1. In the meantime I sent some troops over to the Xinjiang border and allied with Communist China who used all his troops and threw them in Kweihwa and Luliang, to which Japan asked me to invade Communist China. I waited for some time until they were locked in combat, then using the infantry i had recruited by that time, I struck and struck hard. Within 30 minutes Communist China had become history and I won my first war in the game (it might be important to note that Japanese troops hit the province of Baiyin and I only managed to take the rest because Mongolia permitted it. Baiyin was recaptured in the Third Sino-Japanese War).

      Foreign Warfare: Italo-Greek War
      Just like in the Second World War, here too Italy was embarrassed by Greece when he invaded and got pummeled. Libya was half Greek and only two Greek cores had fallen. The war dragged on for a bit until Germany stepped in and divided Yugoslavia who had tried to take advantage of the turmoil.

      Middle Game Day 2-10: Part 1 - Expansion in the West
      By that time it was late night, so I had already slept off when day 2 started and ended. When I got up, I immediately researched higher technology and analyzed what Xinjiang was doing. The answer? Nothing concerning. Only a barrack and ordnance foundry in 4 cities, 1 empty. I decided this was it. Moved troops in Hami and Sinping and some surrounding provinces and declared war. I remember I got something like 3 light armor vehicles in Sinping and some serious infantry in Hami. Immediately these provinces were annexed. Taking advantage of the time remaining to daychange, I pushed to Urumqi, determined to take it before daychange, and I was successful by a minute or two. By day change I also pushed my troops in Sinping to the adjacent plains and captured much more than would've been possible. Later I pushed further and destroyed Xinjiang in a couple of hours.

      Part 2 - Expansion in the South
      With the fall of Xinjiang I had connected borders with Afghanistan and the USSR. To get more land and present day Chinese borders, I decided to push south through the mountains of the Tibetan plateau. For this task I upgraded my (motorized) infantry and collected some tanks through plants in Jiuquan and Hainan to support invasion. My airbases in Nanning, Guilin and Wuhan were in full swing, making tactical bombers as fast as they could. I built an airbase in Qamdo and destroyed the meagre army of Tibet using swift attacks on Lhasa to allow further invasion without risk of revolt.

      Part 3 - Expansion in the South East
      With two minor nations mixed with dust, I decided to move my sights to the South East, where there lay two colonies comprising of 5 present-day countries (India, Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam; keep in mind that today Shillong, Imphal etc are cities in India). I decided to eat Indochina first, France was collapsing on almost every front you can think of, and so I did. My only naval force of two destroyers was upgraded to level 2 and sent in the vicinity of Hue to scout out the French Benham-class destroyer. Using my tactical and naval bombers, I sent these small ships to the bottom of the South China Sea. Then I tackled the puny infantry at Hanoi and occupied half of Indochina within an hour. Siam however did not approve of me being reckless and invading everything, and so he also invaded Indochina, taking the capital of Cambodia and Ho Chi Minh City. I took the remaining provinces and so ended the 0th Indochina War (yeah I mean Zeroeth, if you thought that was a mistake).

      Part 4 - Non-aggression in Burma pact broken
      I became greedy and wanted more. So I turned my sights to the nation of Burma and some states of India. Again my bombers won the day, I quickly took approximately 85% of Burma but was forced to stop due to the cruiser at Yangon. Somehow I pooled up about 60% of my air force in Pak-Lai (yeah, I managed to build an airstrip in the most heavily bombed country of all) and attacked the cruiser. It took a while but the efforts were worth it. I destroyed them and took out Burma.

      Part 5 - Minor invasions
      Somewhere earlier I had also invaded Macau and later Hong Kong with an amphibious tank, and Bhutan and Nepal ceased to exist, although it took some time to take their capitals as I had to bombard them with artillery just because I didn't want to fight 2 militia, 2 anti tank and 2 anti air. I kept Kathmandu encircled on all sides by enemy provinces (I took everything but Kathmandu) until the next daychange for reasons you shall see below.
      Cowards, cowards, cowards! Here I am! I will kill everyone inside!
      I believe that Call Of War is not as the people at home imagine it, with a hurrah and a roar; it is very serious, very grim.

      Display Spoiler
      I feel bad for three people ONLY:
      Display Spoiler
      Junko Furuta

      Display Spoiler
      Ryoko Ishida

      Display Spoiler
      The armored cars I send to capture nuked cities

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Nobodyx2 ().

    • Start of the end: More warfare and preparation for "employment"
      After all had been said and done, it seemed that I could be on my way to victory with the Slavic Reich. But then disaster struck. USSR invaded German Poland, got kicked like a small rock into the water as German troops flooded into the empty land (yes it was literally empty) and threatened to put an end to my existence. Somehow I managed to make a deal, and it was rather humiliating, but there was no choice:

      Theirs not to make reply,
      Theirs not to reason why,
      Theirs but to do and die.

      What the deal was, you ask? Germany (and his partner-in-trickery Ireland) kind of tricked me by saying that if I leave my coalition, I will no longer be an enemy to them. I understood this as "if you leave your coalition you can join ours" because of some tricks they employed rather beautifully. Anyways I had no choice, so I left my coalition and struck hard in Soviet Kazakhstan: I sent the only few light armored stuff in Xinjiang to rampage through the empty provinces: one armored car went to Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan, taking everything and ending up in Ashgabat, one armored car rampaged in the northern hills, one mechanized infantry did the honours in Irkutsk and surrounding regions, while I sent an armored car to casually take every province on it's way to Vladivostok. Because of precise timing in Kathmandu, I was able to gain a huge amount of land for free, and the Fuhrer authorized my plans to invade Japan ("employment").

      Mutiny in the Axis: Ireland booted
      On day 10 Germany betrayed Ireland (sorry for telling the truth but I believe the swearer Ireland over the calmer Germany) and won rather easily. This opened the door for my entry into the Axis.

      India Sent to Hell

      In the ending hours of day 9 I sent some troops to major cities in India such as Delhi and Indore. I also placed some troops in the border provinces, while sending artillery to bombard Delhi when I declare war (I obviously didn't keep anything in Delhi). And in the early minutes of Day 11 I struck.

      A good deal of provinces fell immediately, including Indore. Using an amphibious tank which had been used to capture Colombo and Vavuniya, I captured Madras and went on a rampage in the north and northeast. Delhi was annexed near the end of the day.

      All Hell Breaks Loose: Jihad!
      On the 12th day (irl day 4) Iraq (with whom I was not sure of my relations) declared "Jihad" and wrote the long article in the newspaper, while reducing the share map-share map relation to right of way-right of way:

      The Caliphate of Iraq has decided to put an end to the hypocrisy that surrounds the nations of the world, enemies allying themselves with each other and disgraced nations accepting the oppression of major powers for not being destroyed instead of fighting for their pride and the freedom of their nation. . Today will be a historic day in which a holy war will begin against the German arrogance that has been believing itself superior to all nations for years. Greece was my ally from the beginning of the game and I helped you when there were only a few provinces remaining. , I appreciate you but you chose the wrong sides. Today jihad is declared and the USA will be supported, the only nation that has not been infected by hypocrisy and the only one that the caliphate respects. Iraq declares war to the whole Europe.

      I immediately wrote an article asking if I was included in the list of nations to be declared war on.

      The reply was: We respect your nation but it depends on who you want to support.

      That night all hell broke loose: Iraq invaded Greece and German Russia, while US forces invaded the Portuguese mainland and the Spanish west coast. After a few hours of fighting, Spain was now American, but what a long few hours they were. I was constantly being asked to stay in Axis/to leave the Axis etc, but I managed to stay neutral and decided the next morning, that I will stay with USA and Iraq. That day I invaded German provinces in the USSR, effectively ending Germany.

      War of Independence: Beijing Liberated!
      On the 13th day I decided I had prepared enough and declared war on Japan. Immediately I won 10 provinces including some cities as I had positioned my troops properly. My battleships started firing, the Japanese did the same but not for long. I stormed through Mengjiang and Outer Mongolia, through Manchukuo and Korea, using some airforce units built in Irkutsk and brought over from Pak-Lai.

      Greece Surrenders
      On the 14th day Greece wrote an article titled Defeat:

      Greece has finally lost. Me and my troops have fought hard and we fought till the last troop. But on this day Iraq has finally defeated Greece. Iraq i would congratulate you but you dont deserve to be congratulated. USA congrats bro on winning if spain would have done a better job maybe you wouldnt have won but hey there is nothing we can do anymore. China bro i got nothing to say to you tbh. Anyway good game everyone and Iraq shame on you.

      Uneventful Passing of Time
      The 15th and 16th days went by uneventfully, with me invading Japanese colonies (one thing I might say here is that Afghanistan went AI and declared war, but I just sent some troops to the bordering mountains and no attack ever succeeded while I later cleaned everything except the one province of Deshu) and USA cleaning up Germany. I wrote a small article titled Battle of Berlin:

      33 American troops face off against an epic german force of 23 units.

      16 artillery vs 2 railguns

      USA wrote an article on the 17th day titled GG Good Round:

      Victory will come!

      And victory did come.

      That's all there is to say about this crazy game. Hope you enjoyed it of course... I will not be playing another 4x speed game as I am traumatized
      Cowards, cowards, cowards! Here I am! I will kill everyone inside!
      I believe that Call Of War is not as the people at home imagine it, with a hurrah and a roar; it is very serious, very grim.

      Display Spoiler
      I feel bad for three people ONLY:
      Display Spoiler
      Junko Furuta

      Display Spoiler
      Ryoko Ishida

      Display Spoiler
      The armored cars I send to capture nuked cities

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Nobodyx2 ().

    • I have reconstructed more or less everything from memory. This playthrough has been written after the game ended, not while playing the game.
      Cowards, cowards, cowards! Here I am! I will kill everyone inside!
      I believe that Call Of War is not as the people at home imagine it, with a hurrah and a roar; it is very serious, very grim.

      Display Spoiler
      I feel bad for three people ONLY:
      Display Spoiler
      Junko Furuta

      Display Spoiler
      Ryoko Ishida

      Display Spoiler
      The armored cars I send to capture nuked cities

    • Communist china and USA alliance
      "In my humble opinion, on the subject matter, topic and content discussed beforehand; I would like to humbly propose, convey my idea on the subject and remark; this, with the help of the afforementioned post" - Karl von Krass

      "The Golden Spire is looking for members, Anyone with good sense of game mechanics and a discord account can apply"

      Secretary of Nova0213
    • Its not communist china btw lol
      Cowards, cowards, cowards! Here I am! I will kill everyone inside!
      I believe that Call Of War is not as the people at home imagine it, with a hurrah and a roar; it is very serious, very grim.

      Display Spoiler
      I feel bad for three people ONLY:
      Display Spoiler
      Junko Furuta

      Display Spoiler
      Ryoko Ishida

      Display Spoiler
      The armored cars I send to capture nuked cities

    • Nobodyx2 wrote:

      Foreign Warfare: Italo-Greek War
      Just like in the Second World War, here too Italy was embarrassed by Greece when he invaded and got pummeled. Libya was half Greek and only two Greek cores had fallen. The war dragged on for a bit until Germany stepped in and divided Yugoslavia who had tried to take advantage of the turmoil.

      Invade Greece now, for the Italy!
      Show no mercy, slaughter them like sheep!
      Oh no, they're fighting back,
      Oh sh** they're really good, oh sh**, oh sh**,
      Hitler, oh, please help us,
      Now my pants are soaked in piss!
      Game profile

      I''m a Coptic Orthodox countryball/polcompball fan living in the UK

      My brain died
    • What I gather from the play through is that you don't mind to ally and then betray your allies....
      Is that a correct take on stuff?
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • AnonymeggABC1234 wrote:

      Nobodyx2 wrote:

      Foreign Warfare: Italo-Greek War
      Just like in the Second World War, here too Italy was embarrassed by Greece when he invaded and got pummeled. Libya was half Greek and only two Greek cores had fallen. The war dragged on for a bit until Germany stepped in and divided Yugoslavia who had tried to take advantage of the turmoil.

      Invade Greece now, for the Italy!Show no mercy, slaughter them like sheep!
      Oh no, they're fighting back,
      Oh sh** they're really good, oh sh**, oh sh**,
      Hitler, oh, please help us,
      Now my pants are soaked in piss!
      Cowards, cowards, cowards! Here I am! I will kill everyone inside!
      I believe that Call Of War is not as the people at home imagine it, with a hurrah and a roar; it is very serious, very grim.

      Display Spoiler
      I feel bad for three people ONLY:
      Display Spoiler
      Junko Furuta

      Display Spoiler
      Ryoko Ishida

      Display Spoiler
      The armored cars I send to capture nuked cities

    • vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      What I gather from the play through is that you don't mind to ally and then betray your allies....
      Is that a correct take on stuff?
      Hmm I don't really mind but I generally don't risk too much. If you even have a few high level units I'd rather not mess with them
      Cowards, cowards, cowards! Here I am! I will kill everyone inside!
      I believe that Call Of War is not as the people at home imagine it, with a hurrah and a roar; it is very serious, very grim.

      Display Spoiler
      I feel bad for three people ONLY:
      Display Spoiler
      Junko Furuta

      Display Spoiler
      Ryoko Ishida

      Display Spoiler
      The armored cars I send to capture nuked cities