1991 Role Play: Brainstorming and Planning

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    • Amotah wrote:

      Donk2.0 wrote:

      Can someone post a map of how it's going? I'm interested.
      Hasn't started. You would be able to tell if this thread hadn't turned into a 30 page yapfest.
      The Great Land of Yap, where they speak Yapanese
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • AleksanderZ wrote:

      Isn’t Yap the island with those giant stone coins?
      It is.

      Yap is known for its stone money, known as Rai, or Fei: large doughnut-shaped, carved disks of (usually) calcite, up to 4 m (13 ft) in diameter (most are much smaller). The smallest can be as little as 3.5 centimetres (1.4 in) in diameter.[6] Many of them were brought from other islands, as far as New Guinea, but most came in ancient times from Palau. Their value is based on both the stone's size and its history. Historically the Yapese valued the disks because the material looks like quartz, and these were the shiniest objects available. Eventually the stones became legal tender and were even mandatory in some payments.[7]

      Then a British adventurer brought a shipload of stone and ruined the financial markets. But, these people found ingenious solutions:

      There are four other types of currency on the Island. First there is "Mmbul" which is a length of lava-lava, the cloth used for loincloths, three or four feet long and two feet wide, wrapped up in a Betel nut sheath. Then there is "Gau" or "Gaw", a necklace of shells, up to 10 feet in length. The shells come from Canet, an island near Ponape, from Ponape itself and from Euripik. Since these come from a distance, Gau is worth more than Mmbul. "Yar" is money made of large shells about eight inches wide, pierced and tied on a coconut rope. Finally, "Reng" is the name of money made of turmeric, which is ground and mixed with water and the paste shaped into a ball, typically used for tribal ceremonies.[10]

      Unfortunately the language is called Yapese, not Yapanese. On the main islands that is; on the outer islands a host of other languages are spoken.

      The state is divided into 10 administrative districts.

      All this for a population of 11,000 people.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • This is going to take forever, isn't it?


      Since I don't exactly know what has changed in the ... damn ... nearly 5 years it's been since I played this game or any of its sister franchises, I have a few questions:-

      1. How do I make a game of my own?
      2. If I make one, can I protect it, i.e., make sure only those I allow can join it?
      3. Can we RP on that sexy sexy historic 1939 map?

      If the answer to all of the above is yes, then I would like to make a casual RP game on said map. I'll take Soviet Union. I want a USA, a UK, a France, a Germany, and a China. I want everyone to behave responsibly, play slowly, keep it casual, even paced, and realistic without forcing unnatural realism.

      If you don't know what I mean, go read my guide.

      Not concerned about filling the map - the great game means that it's your duty to protect the helpless AI nations against other players. And everything needs casus belli, historic and in game.

      I will need someone who knows the players to vouch for who gets to be in and who doesn't.

      That's my offer, to pass the time.
    • Imperator Don wrote:

      I have a few questions:-

      1. How do I make a game of my own?
      2. If I make one, can I protect it, i.e., make sure only those I allow can join it?
      3. Can we RP on that sexy sexy historic 1939 map?

      If the answer to all of the above is yes, then I would like to make a casual RP game on said map. I'll take Soviet Union. I want a USA, a UK, a France, a Germany, and a China. I want everyone to behave responsibly, play slowly, keep it casual, even paced, and realistic without forcing unnatural realism.
      1. Yes. Non-High Command members can only create 1 custom map per month. HC members can create several more per month (IDK the exact number).
      2. You can password-protect the round, as well as limit the amount of players who can join. However, these setting cannot be changed once the round is created.
      3. Yes, but if you don’t have HC, you need to pay a Gold fee, 5000 IIRC. Also, anyone who joins the round will also need to pay a 5000 Gold fee (unless, of course, they have HC, in which case this fee is bypassed.)
    • AleksanderZ wrote:

      Imperator Don wrote:

      I have a few questions:-

      1. How do I make a game of my own?
      2. If I make one, can I protect it, i.e., make sure only those I allow can join it?
      3. Can we RP on that sexy sexy historic 1939 map?

      If the answer to all of the above is yes, then I would like to make a casual RP game on said map. I'll take Soviet Union. I want a USA, a UK, a France, a Germany, and a China. I want everyone to behave responsibly, play slowly, keep it casual, even paced, and realistic without forcing unnatural realism.
      1. Yes. Non-High Command members can only create 1 custom map per month. HC members can create several more per month (IDK the exact number).2. You can password-protect the round, as well as limit the amount of players who can join. However, these setting cannot be changed once the round is created.
      3. Yes, but if you don’t have HC, you need to pay a Gold fee, 5000 IIRC. Also, anyone who joins the round will also need to pay a 5000 Gold fee (unless, of course, they have HC, in which case this fee is bypassed.)
      To create any game, you have to have premium sadly, because I've had an expired premium account, and it won't let me create a round.
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      N U T S

      The American Commander