market bug ....

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    • Ok, thanks for the gold. probabilly dn\t help to much. Personally i don\t like the ideea to be a tester if i need to play a game like tester and use real money just to help ...
      Yes, problem solved ? Not really ? I wasn`t first time when that bug was already reported ... what you need to know more ?
      I sayd, i wanna make a trade offer to buy goods. I put on market to buy and immediately when i checked my opened treads noody shows... but money they took. Another problem are with bomber plane. Was (IDK if is ifxed or not...) i cannot use plaes without use right click mouse to select city, not units... yesterday i loosed all my plane without fight. on the same minut and hour i loose 6 bombers plane... you can check days 12 and yes, enemy don`t have missle and for the first time in this game i see 6 looses in different announces. Yes, was immpossible for enemy to arrive on my plane, and don`t have missle researched !

      Btw nuclear airplane reported 2 month ago ... but no fix !
      sorry for my english, is not my first language.