Paratrooper mobilisation period

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    • Paratrooper mobilisation period

      I have seen conflicting reports of how long the period is once their boots hit the ground. Whatever it is, do they attack an enemy province instantly, or does this mobilisation period allow the defender a grace period to kill them before they can attack? Are they weaker on defence than usual, during the mobilisation period?
    • noblebright wrote:

      Initially, the paratroopers get to attack, they fight the units they have attack untill a result is come to, then they start mobilising, and can only defend during that period.
      Correct me if I'm wrong, but the initial attack occurs when the paratrooper is still in "flight" mode, no?
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      noblebright wrote:

      Initially, the paratroopers get to attack, they fight the units they have attack untill a result is come to, then they start mobilising, and can only defend during that period.
      Correct me if I'm wrong, but the initial attack occurs when the paratrooper is still in "flight" mode, no?
      No. They fly until they hit the target, when they hit the target they transition into normal paratroopers who can both defend and attack. This lasts until all enemies within combat range are dead. Then they mobilise for around 5 hours (I'm not sure about the exact figure but between 4 and 6.) When they have finished mobilizing, they turn into normal land troops that can move, defend and attack. If on an airfield, they can transition back.
      The Swedish Piers Morgan
    • noblebright wrote:

      _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      noblebright wrote:

      Initially, the paratroopers get to attack, they fight the units they have attack untill a result is come to, then they start mobilising, and can only defend during that period.
      Correct me if I'm wrong, but the initial attack occurs when the paratrooper is still in "flight" mode, no?
      No. They fly until they hit the target, when they hit the target they transition into normal paratroopers who can both defend and attack. This lasts until all enemies within combat range are dead. Then they mobilise for around 5 hours (I'm not sure about the exact figure but between 4 and 6.) When they have finished mobilizing, they turn into normal land troops that can move, defend and attack. If on an airfield, they can transition back.
      So if i direct attack an AA unit with a paratrooper, you're saying it would deal the defensive dmg vs aircraft, or the defensive dmg vs unarmored?
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      noblebright wrote:

      _Pyth0n_ wrote:

      noblebright wrote:

      Initially, the paratroopers get to attack, they fight the units they have attack untill a result is come to, then they start mobilising, and can only defend during that period.
      Correct me if I'm wrong, but the initial attack occurs when the paratrooper is still in "flight" mode, no?
      No. They fly until they hit the target, when they hit the target they transition into normal paratroopers who can both defend and attack. This lasts until all enemies within combat range are dead. Then they mobilise for around 5 hours (I'm not sure about the exact figure but between 4 and 6.) When they have finished mobilizing, they turn into normal land troops that can move, defend and attack. If on an airfield, they can transition back.
      So if i direct attack an AA unit with a paratrooper, you're saying it would deal the defensive dmg vs aircraft, or the defensive dmg vs unarmored?
      First to aircraft and then to unarmoured.
      The Swedish Piers Morgan