New Unit: SP Anti Tank

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    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      Talvisota wrote:

      There is going to be a day where somebody suggests a concentration camp building for the axis doctrine only. Trust me, that day will come and that person will (rightly) get banned.
      Believe it or not, there was an entire thread about these a few years ago... including differences between ordinary concentration camps and extermination camps... worked out with levels for them and all that... pretty awkward and sketchy iirc.
      Fucking Wehrmaboos.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      Talvisota wrote:

      There is going to be a day where somebody suggests a concentration camp building for the axis doctrine only. Trust me, that day will come and that person will (rightly) get banned.
      Believe it or not, there was an entire thread about these a few years ago... including differences between ordinary concentration camps and extermination camps... worked out with levels for them and all that... pretty awkward and sketchy iirc.

      I love CoW, but it does attract a certain...... Type of people.
      "Imma play CoW to calm down" - Literally nobody ever

      Talvisota of the Abrahamic Caliphate

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Talvisota ().

    • Talvisota wrote:

      There is going to be a day where somebody suggests a concentration camp building for the axis doctrine only. Trust me, that day will come and that person will (rightly) get banned.
      Uh, they did it already, said ti should give more manpower but lower popularity.......
      Glory to the Union!

      Glory to the Red Army!

      Glory to the Revolution!

      Marshal of the Forum High Command
    • In conclusion, SP anti tank is not a tank destroyer.
      Unarmored motorized anti tanks and artillery equipped with artillery, howitzer or gun tractors existed, and at least the latter motorized artillery still active.

      ・ self-propelled
      ・ motorized
      ・ mechanized
      ・ armored
      are different concepts that are self-explanatory.
      I also think it would be interesting to distinguish between these and express them as attributes of a unit.
      Self-propelled means merging the power with the target components, making it impossible to separate each component independently no more.
      So, for example, it is inaccurate to designate a mule-pulled field gun as self-propelled.
      Automobileization is literally used when the power source is a motor.
      In this case, it does not make any difference whether the unit is towed or not, or whether it is the carrying unit of the target unit.
      Therefore, motorized infantry, field artillery towed by motor vehicles, and field artillery mounted on motor vehicles can all be described as “ motorized ”.
      By the way, in Japanese, the expression “ 自動車 - 化 ” ( with a nuance similar to car-ation ) is used, so it is hard almost japanese people to intuitively remind that infantry equipped with snowmobiles would be included in motorized infantry.
      On the other hand, mechanization ( in a military context ) refers to simultaneously making an object armored and motorized.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by pod_than ().