What would you do?

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    • What would you do?

      You have been somehow placed at the helm of Bytro! The shareholders are at your mercy. Courtesy of a partnering of an Arabian oil mogul and Shadowy organ trafficker you have enough funding to implement as much as (you realistically) want. The dev team (headed now by our Lord and Saviour Freezy!) is ready to get to work! Spaghetti code was magically perfectly fixed after sacrificing enough troll souls to Freezy.

      Now. What will you do? What will you add to game? What units and features or even languages and province name changes would you like to implement? How would you adjust units? Go ahead, get to work!

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      You have been somehow placed at the helm of Bytro! The shareholders are at your mercy. Courtesy of a partnering of an Arabian oil mogul and Shadowy organ trafficker you have enough funding to implement as much as (you realistically) want. The dev team (headed now by our Lord and Saviour Freezy!) is ready to get to work! Spaghetti code was magically perfectly fixed after sacrificing enough troll souls to Freezy.

      Now. What will you do? What will you add to game? What units and features or even languages and province name changes would you like to implement? How would you adjust units? Go ahead, get to work!
      Change names of cities, countries and units.

      Implement major rivers, like or 2 per continent.

      Add marines, and 2 more levels of nuke rockets

      Bring back endgame, and create more alternate history scenarios

      Rework AI diplomacy, and add a retreat feature
      Glory to the Union!

      Glory to the Red Army!

      Glory to the Revolution!

      Marshal of the Forum High Command

      The post was edited 1 time, last by TheZhukov ().

    • Consistency (Tacs and ABs having the same no of levels, RA having elite units, RMs being given equally like other resources, etc)

      Card-free and gold-free gamemodes

      QOL changes, like better (and toggle-able) naming system, and more customizability, like example: renaming armies

      No idea if they fixed the inconsistent reinforcement bug, but they shud if they haven't

      Commando rebalance (stealth x2 per level please)

      Slight rebalance of navy; NBs are slightly too strong, CCs need to be slightly buffed against air, or NB cost has to be increased

      More models! T2 skins for planes, unarmored, and other units would be cool. And Comintern needs a skin update (some tanks look horrible...)

      Slight doctrine rebalancing; comintern needs a very slight buff to make it more viable

      Ability to get new units without cards (gimmicky atm); alongside that marines

      Rivers, retreat option and supply system

      More alt hist maps being featured

      Refer to this thread where feasibility of some of the above suggestions are discussed: Quality-of-Life Changes
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • As the new leader of Bytro, I would prioritize enhancing player experience. I'd introduce new units, such as aerial reconnaissance drones and amphibious assault vehicles. I'd also expand the map, add multiplayer tournaments, and improve language support. Additionally, I'd refine existing units for better balance and realism Game.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by leahkora ().

    • I like the idea of rivers, probably difficult to implement, they are a good natural defence.
      Amphibious tank were not very good. So no ideas about new units, maybe marines with reduced landing times.
      I also like the idea of gold free games, but I think that would be hard to achieve.
      The number of AI countries could be reduced as most would have been sympathetic to one doctrine or another.
    • Experimenting with P2P would be top of the list of course.

      Make the game moddable, so the vast reservoir of player creativity could be unlocked. After I saw Civilization turned into a game about creating a social media app (GIF was a follow-up tech of JPEG for example)... nothing is impossible.



      Supply system

      Change research system from unit-based to feature-based (you'd research "vision" or "land speed" instead of "light tanks" or "Battleships")

      Market to adults rather than teenagers.

      Then a long list of mixed-bag-relatively-minor-issues:

      Make terrain easier visible in the default graphics mode (the "low res" looks really ugly but is the only playable version right now). If it could be found somewhere, restore the old "Canvas" version of the graphics.

      Make the border the limit of where you can go when you're at peace without RoW, and close the air space as well.

      Make armored cars offensive and mot.inf defensive.

      Remove RRG, or make it a "bunker buster" similar to rockets.

      Give all mobile units MUCH more speed compared to infantry/foot.

      Introduce set up time for artillery to discourage shoot-and-scoot.

      Remove market fees, or make them work only for completed transactions, not for just issuing orders. Prevent active orders from "hiding" resources when looted.

      Open a new browser tab when selecting a game from the main game page.

      And that's just the top of my head)))

      Remove damaging enemies when patrolling, leaving it in only for maneuvering purposes.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • 1: Build a community map builder.

      2: Build player admin adjustable scenario types for RP players.

      3: Build an actual friends list that allows you to talk and join each others games. This game should be built around teams and communities.

      4: Create tournaments for fun.

      5: I would remove the EA from Bytro. They have turned evil for gold. If you make your game fun and open it up for users to make content we would be happy to pay for stuff. Let the poors use build ques.

      6:Design a map built for naval battles. Make the point scoring for boat kills or something.

      7: Create user created barricades, mines, and no mans land areas that are difficult to cross. Give commandos and gliders a reason to exist. The harder it is to move the more important stealth units would become.

      8: Create a scenario mode for our history buffs. Let teams play both sides of the battles with the equipment that was available in the real conflicts.

      9: Tinker the economy. It should be possible for intelligent players to game this as a means of war. Perhaps have supply line locations networked between the cities. Cutting supply lines would cut morale and production speeds.

      10: Be Noble. Thank you Bytro for what you do. This is a great game. I am a father with kids and this is one of the only games I can manage to dive into while being responsible. The slow pacing and the interesting conflict are what keep bringing me back. Keep it up guys.
    • Create map shell holes by patrolling
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.