Comintern Strategy

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    • Tldr; A lot of cannons

      Try to get rocket artillery asap. Focus on artillery, anti tank, a few anti Airs and tons of militia. You will be slow, but extremely powerful and massive (in terms of army size) - if you use the terrain to your advantage. Mountains and forests are your friends.
      The militia and AT allow for some sneaky moves due to their invisibility.
    • Medium tanks are armored cars make for great offensive forces, though. Feel free to drop Anti tank and even milita in favor of infantry as long as you can utilize that speed and greater damage. Don’t get planes or ships, maybe cruisers but on CON you don’t really need anything other than naval bombers. Artillery and Rocket Artillery are still the most important thing, though… SP Rocket Arty is actually really good.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Skip upgrade inf lvl 1 ---> 3 or 4; arty spam, CC spam, and AC/LT for fast troops; MTs depend on the terrain IMO. Militia works as well ig, same with AT. Planes are optional, but have some ints just in case, and perhaps ABs/tacs, not sure
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      To be honest Skip Upgrading is slightly overrated though, don’t worry if you can’t. You don’t lose as much time and resources as you may think.
      It is slightly overrated for higher-experience players, but for newbies, I still recommend it. I do agree that certain situations have no need for it tho.
      Have an amazing rest of your day ^^

      "Everything is impermanent. The only thing that is permanent it impermanence itself."

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      dxter's CoW Battle Calculator ---> Use it here!


    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      To be honest Skip Upgrading is slightly overrated though, don’t worry if you can’t. You don’t lose as much time and resources as you may think.
      There's a huge differnce between two scenario's... either your initial army survives mostly intact (in which case you want to upgrade it to L4 or even L5 later on; just make that ONE jump), or when you "used up" your infantry overrunning others in war of conquests in the first few days (go for different arms in that case).
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • Soviet interceptors are notoriously bad, and you will lose an air war against an equally skilled and powerfull opponent. Consider skipping the air force altogether (though a stack of tacs still helps GREATLY in the speed of overtaking inactives and noobs), and protect your forces with enough AA to deter enemy bombers.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.