How is the "economy" calculated?

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    • OysterT wrote:

      The one thing I don't have access to is his actual resource bar. If he has purchased massive amounts of resources, this would account for everything. Am I right?

      p.s. I'm not hung up on guys buying Gold. It's part of the structure of the game. I'm just trying to make sense of the data I'm given.

      Unless I am wrong her, I think I have my answer, which I suspected all along. I'll ask my ally. Maybe he'll solve this riddle.

      This is a terrific game you have going here.
      Purchasing resources shouldn’t increase the economy report, since it doesn’t include resources in hand. This does seem to be a puzzle :/

      I’ll get on my laptop rn and have a look at that game ID to spectate! What is your country and what’s your ally?

      Edit: Just saw you said your ally is Sweden. I’ll go take a look at that game now.
      Have a blessed day <3
    • Okay, so unfortunately in spectate mode I don’t have the share map privileges obviously, so won’t be able to see exactly how many factories Sweden has in his core provinces.

      However, I believe I know the solution. Sweden has 200 victory points compared with your 120, and furthermore when looking at the morale view of the map it’s clear that his control over Germany and Poland early on days 3-5 ensured that he had a higher morale than you, who only had partial control of France at that time.

      I would say that the report of Sweden having 70k production compared with your 56k is pretty accurate studying the map - having 100% morale in core provinces (which both of you would have by day 6) ensures about 45k. Then your factories will take you up to 56k, plus a little from your provinces you took from France.
      In comparison, despite him not building factories, his conquering of Germany and Poland and a bit of communist Russia as well as Denmark and the Benelux region, all of these relatively early, will mean he has control over all of those provinces’ manpower and resources. Although they will be producing at 25%, having control over those 12/13 cities plus all the rural provinces, at a high morale, will account for the discrepancy.
      Have a blessed day <3
    • Only problem is, I'm Russan Empire, not UK. And, at the time of the report we both had exactly 150 VPs. He had taken Germany and I had taken Communist Russia. We split Poland and the Baltic states.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by OysterT ().

    • I just went through and counted both our captured citie's production. He , currently has 14. I have 13. His captured cities production total is (rounded off) 16,000. Mine is 12,000. This should include morale effects, right? Or is it counted twice? That's 4,000 of the 40,000 discrepancy.

      I know you want this to be my mistake, but I can't get to 70,000+ for him even now, two days later.
    • No. I am Russian Empire. My economy was 73,000. This was right. Sweden was "Listed" as 70,300. With no home industry and the same number of VPs as me. My industry was an average of level four. I cannot get Swedens economy above about 30,000 with all of the tweaks, checks, and adjustments you have suggested.

      You have kindly been patient, but I can see that you aren't getting the point. Maybe we should just drop it. I love this game too much to make such an issue, even though it doesn't make sense. Let's just let it go.... Thanks again for trying to understand the problem.
    • Well it’s not like you’re gonna get punished for finding some sort of sacred knowledge… but if your economies are nearly equal then that changes things. Have you looked at yourself the same way you look at him, searching through every resource and manpower province by province and adding it together?

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • OysterT wrote:

      Yes, and I have published in this chain. Have you read it? I don't need sanctimonius advice. I asked a question, which you can't answer. End of problem.
      My friend, no one is against you. We're all trying to help and resolve this discrepancy.

      Unfortunately screenshots aren't available, or I'm sure this would be cleared up in no time.

      I can assure you that economy is calculated in the way I and others have described - daily production of food, goods, metal, oil, rare materials, and manpower.

      I suggest before day 10 daychange you count up all your daily production of these resources, and add them together. This can be found in your economy tab, which shows daily production. Remember it excludes consumption, so just take the raw number. Then, you can compare your total to the economy reports at day 10, to see that the number should be the same, or at least within 1-2k (considering morale change, province revolts, etc.).
      Have a blessed day <3
    • If you have read my responses, you know that I have done that and sent you the results. Compared to the economy reports the number was off by about 100%. Not for me. Mine was just as you said. But, my ally, Swede nshould have been around 35,000. It was reported as over 70,000. Now what do I do? And please don't tell me to do something I have already done and reported to you.
    • OysterT wrote:

      Of course, my phone is android. I thought COW came out with a way to do it on the computer last month or so? Sorry to be a thorn in yuour side, but I really would like to understand what I'm dealing with here. When I get unexpected results, I need to change my methods, but, when I can't understand why the unexpecred results, I don't even know what to change.
      On a laptop, PrtSc.
    • OysterT wrote:

      If you have read my responses, you know that I have done that and sent you the results. Compared to the economy reports the number was off by about 100%. Not for me. Mine was just as you said. But, my ally, Swede nshould have been around 35,000. It was reported as over 70,000. Now what do I do? And please don't tell me to do something I have already done and reported to you.
      Send it to support I suppose, but in the grand scheme of things as long as Sweden isn’t overflowing with resources and it’s just a number glitch there shouldn’t be no issue. It’s no grand conspiracy or massive glitch that will get you killed, I mean. Do not worry, tbh we’ve had weirder things happen before.

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Carking the 6th ().

    • It sounds like a minor issue that could be resolved by contacting support. As long as Sweden isn't experiencing resource shortages and it's just a numerical error, there shouldn't be any significant concerns. It doesn't seem like a grand conspiracy or a major glitch that would pose a serious threat. Honestly, we've encountered stranger occurrences in the past, so there's no need to worry excessively.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by totii ().

    • Carking the 6th wrote:

      OysterT wrote:

      If you have read my responses, you know that I have done that and sent you the results. Compared to the economy reports the number was off by about 100%. Not for me. Mine was just as you said. But, my ally, Swede nshould have been around 35,000. It was reported as over 70,000. Now what do I do? And please don't tell me to do something I have already done and reported to you.
      Send it to support I suppose, but in the grand scheme of things as long as Sweden isn’t overflowing with resources and it’s just a number glitch there shouldn’t be no issue. It’s no grand conspiracy or massive glitch that will get you killed, I mean. Do not worry, tbh we’ve had weirder things happen before. fnaf

      totii wrote:

      It sounds like a minor issue that could be resolved by contacting support. As long as Sweden isn't experiencing resource shortages and it's just a numerical error, there shouldn't be any significant concerns. It doesn't seem like a grand conspiracy or a major glitch that would pose a serious threat. Honestly, we've encountered stranger fnaf occurrences in the past, so there's no need to worry excessively.
      yes, I believe in your good advice