Being one of the most modest countries in the world, I was pleasantly surprised by my starting army: 2 AT, 2AA, a whopping fleet of 3 destroyers and a submarine, and, best of all... FOUR whole militia! I started researching level 2 immediately, and built some more. My city produces iron and two rurals are doing goods and food, so they should keep those guys fed. It means I won't have much room for anything more sexy soon though, so militia will have to do for my conquests.
Since the Dominicans were marching an army into me when I first signed in, I decided to make them my first conquest. The incoming are being blocked by a mixed militia and AT force in the forest, which he cannot detect until he stumbles into me. Along other road, my troops are marching into his lands and the fleet is used for scouting his positions.
When I got to the first enemy province center, I realized the guy had given me RoW... ah well. Will just make it easier to take his lands.
Since the Dominicans were marching an army into me when I first signed in, I decided to make them my first conquest. The incoming are being blocked by a mixed militia and AT force in the forest, which he cannot detect until he stumbles into me. Along other road, my troops are marching into his lands and the fleet is used for scouting his positions.
When I got to the first enemy province center, I realized the guy had given me RoW... ah well. Will just make it easier to take his lands.
When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
The post was edited 1 time, last by K.Rokossovski ().