[Suggestion] Filter to highlight infrastructure and airfields

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    • [Suggestion] Filter to highlight infrastructure and airfields

      As we all know, it's not always easy to identify airfields and infrastructure on the (especially when zoomed out) map. A map filter could help with that.

      Infrastructure could use the same color-code as the boostercard levels and airfields a little icon, that does not disappear when you zoom out.
      • airfield.jpg

        256.77 kB, 1,178×767, viewed 3 times
      • infrastruct.jpg

        179.05 kB, 936×488, viewed 4 times
    • Definitely, they’d be better incorporated in a way that doesn’t require too many buttons, though… place to many settings and you’ll have to many buttons to deal with. I’ve seen like a dozen gr at suggestions that incorporate filters like this, I mean. Issue is if you placed all of them (kinda ideal) it would be too much…

      CarKing the 6th of the Abrahamic Caliphate