All the apps and games we download from playstores ask/need real money, surely by now if a person understands and accepts it,it would make it easier to live with.
These games have been designed to give entertainment,create jobs and placing food on the table... Surely the people who created this and that's maintaining it must provide for their families.
We and I myself as a free player thinks that all of this is evolving around us individually,it doesn't...
If Bytro stops the gold how will they be able make an income to be able to give us the game and maintaining it?If they don't have the gold that people spends real money on it there won't be a COW game.The fact that we free players can be able to play the game and make demands on the forum,is due to people spending real money on gold...not us free grazers
Yes it's annoying playing against people with no skill that's only depending on using gold to be good but what else can we do?No one is holding a gun against our heads and forcing us to play this game or against gold users.The best and only way to deal with a gold user is to ignore them.
Bytro will surely not collapse if us free grazers boycott and stop playing, they'll laugh at us, it's not us free grazers keeping the Bytro campaign afloat... it's gold buyers...
Sorry that I'm going to be that guy but that's the story...if this gaming app is not going to fulfill our needs we are more than happy to seek another birth...
These games have been designed to give entertainment,create jobs and placing food on the table... Surely the people who created this and that's maintaining it must provide for their families.
We and I myself as a free player thinks that all of this is evolving around us individually,it doesn't...
If Bytro stops the gold how will they be able make an income to be able to give us the game and maintaining it?If they don't have the gold that people spends real money on it there won't be a COW game.The fact that we free players can be able to play the game and make demands on the forum,is due to people spending real money on gold...not us free grazers

Yes it's annoying playing against people with no skill that's only depending on using gold to be good but what else can we do?No one is holding a gun against our heads and forcing us to play this game or against gold users.The best and only way to deal with a gold user is to ignore them.
Bytro will surely not collapse if us free grazers boycott and stop playing, they'll laugh at us, it's not us free grazers keeping the Bytro campaign afloat... it's gold buyers...
Sorry that I'm going to be that guy but that's the story...if this gaming app is not going to fulfill our needs we are more than happy to seek another birth...