Marzohnne wrote:
OK folks, a couple of important points:
1 - You're right the game would probably be a lot more fun to a lot of people, if people didn't spend the gold.
The problem with this, If BYTRO didn't charge anything, the company would be out of business, and those of you not complaining will lose out on a FTP game, for those of you who seem to be too cheap out there.
BTW, denouncing gold usage is a bannable offence.
Go read the Terms of Service that you all AGREED to when you signed on to play this game.
2 - It's not going to change, until or unless, you folks present a better option for a game? What that might be, is up to you folks, but if your option is stop the people from spending $$$ on the game, then that's simply not going to work.
You would all be far better served to work out possible ways to allow BYTRO to make their money, with the limitations you wish to enforce on some of the players, that you think will make it a better game.
Some suggestions:
A - Ask BYTRO to make a game map available, with players needing to pay a $35 or equivalent buy in, that would allow no gold purchases on the game?
B - Ask BYTRO to create a club for those want to play only gold free games, but folks would have to pay $50 a month to get into the club.
These are just a couple of suggestions. Come up with some of your own. Complaining that BYTRO is money hungry is not going to get you anywhere.
BTW, one last thing, we Moderators don't want to necessarily shut down talk about gold spending, except that it's part of our job. Do you guys have jobs where you get to do whatever you want? Didn't think so.
"Imma play CoW to calm down" - Literally nobody ever
Talvisota of the Abrahamic Caliphate
Talvisota of the Abrahamic Caliphate
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