I don't know if this is the right place to post this but let's give it a go! I know the Bytro team WILL NOT do anything about this because all they care about is how much money they get from these shameless golders! I have been playing this game since 2018, I consider myself to be a veteran of this game. I have seen this great game go through many different stages. I play in a very competitive alliance who DO NOT use gold to buy our wins. We have all taken a long time to learn how to play this game without the crutch of gold. We have all learned to take our lumps when dealing with a better enemy who just knows how to move their pieces across the board better. This is the only way to learn and become a better player. My alliance also plays in the AWC and have become one of the better alliances in this game so we all know how to play without gold! Over the last week I have played in 4 games three world maps and most recently a Pacific all of these games have become archives due to massive amounts of gold being used! I have bought high command most of my CoW career. You used to be able to buy it for the whole year now they have changed it to 93 days another way to make more money I suppose. I know I am not the only player that has been here for a long time who is starting to get really annoyed with how this game has morphed into a HUGE pay to play game. The creators are not listening to the players who have help build this great game instead they just care about lining their pockets, shameful :(. What happens when all the skilled players just pack it in and leave? All that will be left is a bunch of golders with zero clue how to play this game. Even now it's like playing a chess match with a guy who keeps putting their pieces back on the board after you have taken them off. Where is the fun in this?! Will the creators at least do something for the players who do not want to play with gold?!?! Make 2 different games for each map one with the option of using gold and one without. Seems pretty simple to me what are they afraid of? Not making more money? Let the damn golders out buy each other while the skilled players fight it out with skill! I can't believe I am saying this but I am on the verge of shelfing this great game :(.
Gold use is ruining this great game!
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Not everyone has the kind of money to dump on a game! We love the strategy of this game and fighting a player who also loves the strategy. When fighting someone who just clicks the gold button over and over again no amount of skill can beat this type of play. What are we suppose to do spend money that we do not have to compete? Where is the strategy in this???
You are right. They will do nothing except put out even more payday operations...up to 2 per week now.
I too am considering leaving. Why play a game...any game...where there is no possibility of winning.
My last 6 games, including the one I'm playing now, have resulted in only 2 second place finishes, despite my experience in strategy games and skill. I used to have an 80% win rate. -
I suppose more people care about demolishing a building then seeing this game turn into who has the bigger wallet..........sad really
Companies want to make money...that's understandable
But what's really sad is when the company puts ALL the focus on making money to the exclusion of making it fun for all. -
Just give us the option to play games without gold! We don't care about winning gold at the end, boaster cards or these stupid deployable units! All of these things are just a ploy to get people to spend more money! We just want to put our skill up against players that play without the crutch of gold and use their skill to win games. I'm sure there our a lot of players here that do not want to buy their wins!
Well, that's it for me...getting over run by a wallet player.
I'll continue reading the forums but that was my last game.
Too bad Bytro lost sight of what a "game" is supposed to be. -
yeah it's sad really and i honestly thought more people would try to push this topic. Seems like it should be the most important topic in these forums. Again I love to play this game against skilled players and continue to learn from every encounter/game BUT I do not have the money or desire to continue getting steamrolled by players who have not taken the time to learn how to actually play this game and just know where to find the deposit page and gold button. The creators have spent more time trying to find ways to water this game down and make it very easy for unskilled players to win. It's a joke to think they care more about the money then the actual skill in this game!
I've played since 2016 i'm glad i did, becuase CoW peaked around 2020/2021. The moment they announced V1.5 was when it went downhill. Who remembers the days when infrastructure AND industry boosted production? Without all those annoying extra buildings like tank plants and foundries. Oh and doctrines ...
They need to bring back V1.0. The graphics, the interface everything! I wish they did.
About the gold, it's always been an issue. From the get go.
I'm glad i got to experience CoW back then but i haven't played a game since 2021 after a couple 1.5 games. I'll see i can be bothered with the game i'm in right now. -
What is worse I feel is an alliance in a any game who have worked together thru many games and then crushing others and feeling good about themselves.
They should play against other alliance members not in a general game where anyone can create a coalition and have members drop out which is the chance you take but a coalition who talks to each other in discord and do not drop out have a huge advantage over everyone else.
To me a little worse then gold buyers since I have used gold in the past but to finish off research or other small things not buying a ton of arms to win which takes the skill out of the game.
Than you have players who HAVE to win and will spend hundreds of dollars to do it. There should be a limit of the amount you can spend per game per how difficult a game it is like Pacific Conquest to World a War -
100% right
CITYOFGOD55 wrote:
Not everyone has the kind of money to dump on a game! We love the strategy of this game and fighting a player who also loves the strategy. When fighting someone who just clicks the gold button over and over again no amount of skill can beat this type of play. What are we suppose to do spend money that we do not have to compete? Where is the strategy in this???
I have said it to others playing a game that gold takes the skill out of a game. I am not without fault I have used it in finishing research or other things but not buying an army or navy or airforce and then feeling you are the awesomeest player out there for winning.
You have to realize there are some out there who HAVE to win at any cost!! Just as in live they rely on what others can do or buy their way out of a poor decision -
Nostroma wrote:
You are right. They will do nothing except put out even more payday operations...up to 2 per week now.
I too am considering leaving. Why play a game...any game...where there is no possibility of winning.
My last 6 games, including the one I'm playing now, have resulted in only 2 second place finishes, despite my experience in strategy games and skill. I used to have an 80% win rate.
They can take my 3 Stars and i am retiring from this sorry customer service game -
I'm with you other than the forums.
Just finished my last game. -
So did I. Glad to have free time again
So they've lost two veteran players...
Who cares, right? -
CITYOFGOD55 wrote:
I suppose more people care about demolishing a building then seeing this game turn into who has the bigger wallet..........sad really
On the plus side of the balance, there seem to be less whales than there were before. In my last 3-5 games or so (can't remember exactly), I didn't meet any obvious whales. Occasional flame and amphibious tanks here and there, probably a lot of early resource cards, but nothing that couldn't be caught up without too much trouble. Maybe the whales are actually calling it a day, and Bytro gets an actual incentive to change their ways? Who knows.
Another plus is that Bytro doesn't really interfere with all the gold-free tournaments springing up from the ground everywhere. GO's are apparently allowed to organize these and do the gold checks needed for them, so at least for the top levels, coin-free play is still possible.
Actually I'm more worried about the quality of the player base. Take my last game as an example. It was a 4x speed WaW map, and I did a solo win in 20 days. That was mainly because there wasn't anyone competitive around. People didn't just "not build air", but they didn't build anything to counter it either. Literally every stack could just be blown away with maximum 20 HP damage to the bombers. Many players built navies of nothing but battleships. A lot of players were just standing around, apparently thinking one or two quick logins a day is enough for a speed map.
And it is not just that. Several players sent me messages expression how shocked they were at my performance, and that it was actually possible to play like I did. They said I was unique, and they had never seen anything like it. These were people with 10-20 games under their belt. That means that in 9-19 games, they didn't meet anyone like me, who actually plays the game like it is supposed to be played. That's actually 900-1900 players playing noobish, compared to one single decent player (I'm good, maybe even excellent, but not top-notch). I think those are alarming numbers.
I blame it on Bytro marketing. They're mostly going for teenagers now, and with all due respect, the teenage mind (with rare exceptions ofc) just isn't ready for a deep game like CoW. When you have driven away the core of strategic gamers (indeed, probably mostly by the P2W system they use), getting a new influx of slightly older, experienced gamers is actually pretty hard. The dumbing-down of the interface (there's hardly a release going by that doesn't have some sort of "trying to make learning easier", "countering the steep learning curve", blablabla etc) is a sign that this game doesn't go down very well in the new targeted market segments. To be honest, you can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. Many of the "new" player recruits just want to toy around with tanks, without bothering to actually learn the effective game strategies, or even basic mechanics. They aren't helped by flattening the learning curve; they don't want to learn at all, they just want some fun with nice icons for ships and animations for explosions. Looks are more important than content to them. And to be honest, those are not the people who will make Bytro rich. This isn't their game; maybe they play a few rounds of it, then they move on to a game with flashier graphics. Of course we all want a game that looks good, but none of us (lets call "us" the experienced players who love the game) play CoW because of the looks; it is 90% about the content. That's who Bytro marketing should focus on.When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
Well said Roko
Gold is not a problem per se IMO. It's fair enough that Bytro wants a steady source of income.
The problem is that there is no limit to the amount of gold you can use. This really wrecks games. In my experience it is 'only' about 1 in 4 games that get heavily destroyed by whales.
When I encounter a whale, I usually just quit and save myself the time wasted combatting his wallet. Last time I did this, I observed a player using something like 1000$ in the end game. Even with 3 of us countering him, there was nothing to do about it with regular play.
We've been over this subject 100 times in the forum and Bytro isn't changing anything. Partially because there are fanboys who back them in the decision to allow insane spending. So I suggest you do the same as me: enjoy the regular games where ppl spend moderate amounts of gold and then just quit the games that get raped.59/15/28 -
Ignatio Oddball wrote:
Partially because there are fanboys who back them in the decision to allow insane spending.
When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
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