New game idea for bytro to consider

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    • New game idea for bytro to consider

      DISCLAIMER: Hello, to make things clear, this is in the off-topic place because this is a recommendation specifically for Bytro and not too the game.

      So, you know how we have Supremecy 1914, Iron Order, Conflict of Nations, and this game (Call of War,) I think it's time to have a new game and a new era, my idea will be set towards the Victorian era, the times were Germany didn't exist, and the times of Prussia, and Napoleonic France. I can honestly sort of see Bytro doing this, not only will this benefit the company, but a new game will get people excited, and this can also give Bytro some more money. The benefits for us are having a new game, new experiences, and more fun, etc. The mechanics can be similar to the other games, real-time, but with different units, I'm thinking the infantry can be line infantry, artillery can be howitzers, and this could bring some new people into the game!

      Please consider this Bytro, I think it's time for a new game to play!
      “Never going to give you up, never going let you down, never going to run around and dessert you!”

      That’s my final message and my big goodbye, have fun in your games!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by NEPTUNE the great ().

    • -VIP- wrote:

      naw, we want one from the Iron Age or Classical Antiquity!


      War Elephants

      the list go's on...

      thats the game many here would like and a lot of people would consider joining and playing for the first time.
      Flamethrower mounted on war elephant that you have to deploy using booster cards.
      Aeroplanes are interesting toys but of no military value.
      — Marshal Foch

      A pretty mechanical toy [...] the war will never be won by such machines.
      — Lord Kitchener, on tanks