ཞི་བདེ།! A Tibet HWW Playthrough

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    • ཞི་བདེ།! A Tibet HWW Playthrough

      On a whim I joined a Tibet game, having not played in a solid year.

      I expected Tibet to be puny, but not this puny. The soon to be glorious nation starts with 7 lvl 2 reservists, 2 aged field guns, and 1 lvl 1 infantry. The new Dalai Lama has issued orders for modernization of all military forces! First, Proper guns will be researched, followed by modern infantry. In the morning, the militia will be advanced to make the most of what Tibet has.



      The plan is as follows:
      1) Industrialize Tibet
      2) Reclaim the land that is ours in China
      3) Restore Buddhism to India
      4) Bring peace to the world

      Fortunately, one ally has appeared: Japan
      With a short communication, the Dalai Lama and the Prime Minister agreed on...something.

      China also requested friendship and unceremoniously gave right of way, however this was ignored

      Currently, the Dalai Lama plans to first industrialize the Nation. The first orders were to upgrade industry in all cities and produce modern units. With peace on the horizon of the first few days, military expansion should not be a major concern.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by whowh ().

    • Day 2:

      On day two, the Dalai Lama continued the quest of modernizing tibet's industry and military.

      The Tibetan army now totals 16 units, having produced six artillery over the day with 3 more infantry coming. Infantry is now researched to level 4 with level 3 artillery around the corner.

      Economically, the daily herald declared Tibet as the 18th largest economy. The Dalai Lama was pleaseantly suprised, however, upon discovering that Tibet's industrial capacity rivaled nations such as Spain and the Netherlands.

      With a larger military, the Dalai Lama laid sights on Nepal and Bhutan. As buddhist states, they should welcome the arrival of Tibetan forces...however India had other plans. In both cases, India beat Tibet to an invasion.

      It appears that India may be a rival for power in the region.

      Internationally, a few coalitions have emerged, most notably 'communism', led by Germany and Iran, and 'The Axis Powers', led by Poland. In addition, an alliance joined the game as Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Manchuoko, however none of them have good stats.

    • Day 3: War with India

      As mentioned yesterday, Indian forces had approached Nepal and Bhutan. Tibetan troops entered Kathmandu, however soon RoW was revoked and war declared. The Tibetan forces liberated Nepal, but soon India attacked. (Sorry, I don't have any footage because this happened overnight)

      The treacherous Indian forces surprise attacked the Heroic 1st Militia Regiment, killing 382 Tibetan soldiers. An outrage! Naturally, the Dalai Lama thought the Indian attack was accidental. Surely India, the birthplace of Sakyamuni himself , wouldn't stoop to a lowly surprise attack. A ceasefire was offered.

      However, diplomatic discord revealed otherwise. Even more alarmingly, India accused Tibet of attacking India!

      Naturally, Tibet was in the right (the Daily Herald could confirm).

      With a vastly superior Indian army approaching, the Tibetan forces fled to the mountains. In the battle of Tashichoedzong, the new artillery proved to great effect, killing three enemy infantry units. In the West, Tibetan artillery killed another infantry regiment.

      Indian forces attacked deeper from Tashichoedzong, aiming to destroy the Tibetan artillery, which utilized the Pan-Asian speed buff to retreat. In addition, the bold 3rd Anti-Tank Division broke enemy lines to seize the former capital of Bhutan, now reduced to an Indian slave state.

      North of Nepal, however, the lone Tibetan militia regiment retreated, clearing the way for an Indian assault on Shigatse (currently ongoing).

      In the far east, Indian armoured units broke through Tibetan lines, causing chaos. The modern Indian technology currently proves challenging for Tibetan defenses.

      Finally, in the Battle of Mandi, Tibetan artillery was driven back by India's favourite unit: tactical bombers. With no air force, Tibet's army is wide open to Indian bombing. The bombers inflicted heavy casualties (accounting for 80% of Tibetan losses) until AA units were built. Immediately afterwards, 3 bombers were killed in succession.

      There was some good news internationally. Firstly, India's attacks on the peaceful lands of Tibet has caused it to become the 2nd most hated country in the world, while Tibet sat at the most liked nation.

      Also, dialogue had succeeded with Persia to an unexpected extent. (I've maxed uploads, next post will have the rest)

    • After brief proding, the Persian Shah proved to be alive and well.

      He even agreed to help Tibet defend against the Indian hordes, mobilising several tank regiments (although they haven't attacked yet).

      Also, China unexpectedly pledged support in the World Herald out of nowhere.
      Dialogue proved China to be a big fan of Tibetan independence.

      A bit ironic, considering my initial plan had been to split China with Japan.

      As of right now, this is Tibet on the world map:

    • Citizens of Tibet! In the wake of the war with India, the Dalai Lama sees a need to divide the powers of the Government. They have declared an election for Prime Minister. The Prime Minister will be responsible for all domestic affairs, including but not limited to: distribution of resources; construction of infrastructure and industrial complexes; management of temples, and collection of taxes. If you wish to run for prime minister, respond to this thread (I have a feeling it will just be Claudio but here goes nothing)
    • I'm going to tag a bunch of people here to get some attention. Reply or to the thread so that you get notifications!

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      But it is weak and will die to India, China, Japan or USSR if any of them are active enough. Just too far from cities to build up a power base while too close to majors I’d say.z
      @Carking the 6th I would disagree.
      @Karl von Krass
      @jefin b
      @Soviet onion republic
      @Chimere (no, I am not stealing your Yellow Peril playthrough)
      @Z. Sakki
      @Lady Aragosta
      @NEPTUNE the great
      @Joe Bartolozzi
    • whowh wrote:

      I'm going to tag a bunch of people here to get some attention. Reply or to the thread so that you get notifications!

      Carking the 6th wrote:

      But it is weak and will die to India, China, Japan or USSR if any of them are active enough. Just too far from cities to build up a power base while too close to majors I’d say.z
      @Carking the 6th I would disagree.@Karl von Krass
      @jefin b
      @Soviet onion republic
      @Chimere (no, I am not stealing your Yellow Peril playthrough)
      @Z. Sakki
      @Lady Aragosta
      @NEPTUNE the great
      @Joe Bartolozzi
      ah Karl von Krass,would’ve forgotten him if it wasn’t for your post.
      May I add one more name to the list @Nova0213
      Фарис Синановић, Суна
    • DAY 4: The Battle for the Mountains

      As Indian forces advanced, Tibet was split into two parts. In the East, Lhasa and Shigatse were beseiged by an onslaught of Indian troops. Meanwhile, the Western provinces of Gartok and Shazia were bombarded by Indian bombers and assaulted by no less than 6 AT guns.

      The Battle for Shigatse

      After the loss of Gerze, Tibet's main food province, the Dalai Lama's subjects were devestated. Tibetan food production was at -1/hr and all food was looted in the attack. Tibetan forces were split in two and retreated to different cities. The forces defending Shigatse amounted to 2AA, 1AT, 1 inf, and 2 militia. In total, 4 infantry, 3 militia, 1 ac, and 1 commando had attacked with the support of three bombers; all attackers were destroyed. Just North of Lhasa, an Indian routing force of 4 AC and 2 LT was destroyed by the city guard.

      Regrettably, 4 artillery units were destroyed when left unescorted by AA.

      The Battle for Gartok

      Towards Gartok, Indian bombers once again destroyed the remainder of Tibet's unescorted arties. With the current food shortage, replacement seems impossible. The Dalai Lama hastily fortified Gartok, expecting a frontal assualt, however the Indian commander noticed and skipped Gartok, instead heading straight for Shazia and bombarding Gartok overnight. The Elite 2nd Infantry regiment, consisting of Lvl 4 infantry marched from the capital, heroically defended Shazia against a force 4x its size until reinforced by Tibetan militia.

      New Units

      With no food, the Dalai Lama was forced to reconsider the units available to Tibet. There were three options not requiring food: planes, unfeasible due to the lack of airports and long research time; heavy armor, unfeasible due to Tibet's mountainous terrain; and AC. AC was selected and three units were produced. They mopped up the border gore left by the Indian attackers and even managed to capture enough food provinces to bring production up to +1/hr.

      World News

      The treacherous Chinese withdrew their forces from the war after a subpar performance.

      (I don't have enough image space for the Chinese peace deal).

      On the other hand, Persia had advanced with its armoured units...and promptly stopped for no reason.

      I'd repeatedly stated that the road to Delhi was wide open to no avail. Additionally, the Daily Herald said that Persia was more powerful than India so idk why those heavies are just sitting there. For those of you that noticed, Persia has amphib tanks and an HT. He claims to not be a golder but to be using cards from a previous game.

      Finally, the Daily Herald reported that the Indo-Tibetan war was the most bloody conflict on the globe, having 15k to 40k casualties, more than the nearest rival (Spain-France) by 20k.
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    • In the images above, you can see that Tibet unfrotunately isn't even in the top 24 most powerful countries, but we're punching well above our weight in the conflict with India.

      With raids deep into India tonight, the tide should change in Tibet's favour, shifting the war out of the mountains and into the Rajasthan Steppe

      I didn't take pics during the bulk of today and missed India's deepest attacks. If you look at the overall image below, the provinces with lower morale were seized by India