On the Usage of Gold

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    • On the Usage of Gold

      On the topic of Gold Usage:

      I understand that having a premium currency in an otherwise free-to-play game is necessary for the game to earn revenue. I also understand that players are more likely to spend money on premium currency the more that they feel that it is helping them win, and the more fun that they have. However, it has become an issue recently for non-premium players to complain about other players using ludicrous amounts of premium currency in their game, all but guaranteeing them the win. This is an issue because, if the regular non-paying players feel that the paying players are sabotaging their chances of victory and ruining the idea of a fair game, they will be likely to stop playing the game. This is bad for everyone, because if a majority of the non-paying players leave, there will be an increase of paying players in games, which will decrease each paying player’s chances of victory, which in turn will increase their chance of stopping buying premium currency. Likewise, new players will be less inclined to keep playing a game which is already perceived as “boring” by most modern audiences if they feel that games are unfair and that there’s is no chance for them to win. Because of the aforementioned reasons, I feel that it is necessary for the game developers to pursue a balance between the paying players and the non-paying players. This game can maximize its popularity if and only if a majority of players from both groups (paying and non-paying) feel satisfied.
    • I am a pissed off father. I have purchased memberships and even gold a few times. This is why im mad:

      1: Taking que away from someone just because they don't have a membership is BS. We know what you are forcing but money is tight every were. Sorry im not going to pay a membership that willingly punishes its active players by taking away ease of use tools simply because you want memberships.

      2:Make it easier to spot gold users so people can team up and overcome them. Having purchasable skins may do this. Have the newspapers discuss warlords getting paid by countries golding up.

      3: Show gold usage on the coalition page. This at least makes you feel better knowing that you lost to gold and that your personal strategy is not entirely to blame for the loss.

      Gold pays for the game I get it. I suppose in real war there are people who roll up with warlord money. I just wish tools that make our lives easier are not removed simply because we chose not to pay. It feels low.

      If you want better gold purchases make the players happy. Make the game fun. Do this by making a thriving mod community.

      Being a father this game and its very slow pace is one of the things that makes this game possible for me to play at all. I crave tactical RTS type games. I dont have time usually. Maybe three times a day I can peel away to game. Life is so much easier with a que.

      Anyways rant over.
    • I too hate this over the top gold thing.

      I have a possible solution though and that is in the stats. I assume gold players are identified in having large victory/number of games played ratio and . . . really loopy kill/killed stats. So...

      Adjust the stats Bytro by the amount of gold used this would give a better indication of how good a player really is. I am sure they can come up with an algorithm that allows for gold rewards for winning, second etc but it would be a start.

      So if your K/kd ratio was say 1.0 with gold without it might be 0.7 or something. Bytro know how much gold you have used because it is for the most part real money so it would not be impossible to apply something like this.

      They could always try some gold free games too.
    • So what do all the non gold users do with all the boosters and gold earned from wins, achievements and add watching? There is no prize for getting to a million.

      I used to hate the gold use, especially in battle, where air strips are instantly rebuilt or units quickly built in cities or quick healed or what not. It can screw with the game plan but now I just look at it as missed intel on enemy strength. Happens in real world. It's a new challenge. Opens the door for introducing my own gold spending in battle.

      Had one game where dude spent at least a half million gold. Healed everything. Spammed air power, research boosting the works. My artillery and air were useless. Had to drive forces to engage in close combat so healing couldn't be implemented and then the planes and artillery could do their work. Same with naval. Once you get all their producing cities it's over. Not sure why someone would drop a hundred dollars on this game but that doesn't ensure victory.

      So now I'm a happy gold spender. Go to do new research before I go to bed and darn, 700 oil short. Can't resolve on stock market so do I wait until morning or do I hit the pay 200 gold button with a couple hundred thousand in the bank. I'm starting the research now. In the early game I will probably hit the 2500 gold expenditure a few times to bump up various resources. And then there's the hundreds of booster cards I have built up. I'm blowing quite a few out on present game. Might even add from my stock of amphibious tanks. Maybe if anything Bytro might consider trading in 100,000 gold for a month of premium acct or something. Shouldn't ask people to not spend what they've earned.

      I haven't purchase any gold in a few years but I do buy the premium acct. It's mostly for the later game with the fire control aspect. The que isn't helpful in the first week or two. It doesn't build by the order they are in. End up with 10,000 metal and zero oil at times. I like to keep all the dials at zero. But as the country grows the que is quite handy.

      So, since I got a smart phone over a year ago and realized that most people ( more then 90 percent play on phone ) were making 2000 gold a day back then for watching adds I assumed that most people must be spending some gold and so I started too and I'm loving it. I don't use it in battle but it's there if I meet a gold spender or experience a moment of weakness but it's great in the first couple of weeks to get the base built up and get the plan going.
    • Would be interesting though if another filter was added to all maps where if turned on, no gold, boosters, speed ups, special op armies, nothing could be used. If those non gold games had a 10K gold joining fee and the gold allowed games were free to join, which games would be the most played.
    • ender611 wrote:

      which games would be the most played.
      That fear is exactly why Bytro doesn't want to try it.
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.
    • K.Rokossovski wrote:

      ender611 wrote:

      which games would be the most played.
      That fear is exactly why Bytro doesn't want to try it.
      I don't think they would lose allot in a trial run. Could even add a premium acct requirement to enter non-gold game.
      So 10K gold to join and maybe a 20K solo win and 12.5K coalition win. If you don't win often you might be going to the Bytro trough more often.

      For the non puritans, playing the gold allowed games to level up, get those blueprints and nail some accomplishments could pass the time well.

      I would think in the non gold games people wouldn't be quitting after a couple days or playing 10 games at once.
    • I'm still saying that there needs to be a statistic in the News on how much gold the countries have used in the current game. That's all i want to know,realizing that golding is not gonna go away. People are playing with handles, there's nothing to be afraid of. And nobody is gonna know after the match how much gold someone used.
    • ender611 wrote:

      K.Rokossovski wrote:

      ender611 wrote:

      which games would be the most played.
      That fear is exactly why Bytro doesn't want to try it.
      I don't think they would lose allot in a trial run. Could even add a premium acct requirement to enter non-gold game.So 10K gold to join and maybe a 20K solo win and 12.5K coalition win. If you don't win often you might be going to the Bytro trough more often.

      For the non puritans, playing the gold allowed games to level up, get those blueprints and nail some accomplishments could pass the time well.

      I would think in the non gold games people wouldn't be quitting after a couple days or playing 10 games at once.
      Yeah, I agree with you. Still Bytro has all these high-payed people with University degrees in doing studies about how to get money from online games, and they tell management that that is not the way to make money and have all those nice devs feed their kids. Did you graduate in anything like that? I sure didn't... I'm old-fashioned, I think people should enjoy the game they will pay to play, but modern game marketing doesn't seem to work like that anymore... you just need nitwits who will pay ridiculous amounts of money for things that aren't really important at all in their lives. The thousand normal people there are in the real world who just want a fair game are less important than one of those. Who are we to judge? They could well be right.

      Still a weird thing to do any balancing at all then, though. The whales don't care, they just solve any problem they encounter with their wallet; they just want to crush tanks into enemy lands and win games. Maybe all this careful creation of an actually intriguing game of depth is just a revolt of the devs? Because I don't think any dev really wants to support the "draw your wallet and win" policy. They love the game, and are (in secret, of course) just as appalled as us about the monetary structure of the game. They also want to feed their families, and that's why they still go along with something they know is inherently wrong. When they come here they will of course speak their bosses' word, and none of them will ever admit that they don't agree with it (I guess it can actually get you fired when you say anything like that).

      But hey, when you think about your own day job, isn't there something "inherently wrong" with it as well?
      When the fake daddies are curtailed, we have failed. When their roller coaster tolerance is obliterated, their education funds are taken by Kazakhstani phishers, and their candy bars distributed between the Botswana youth gangs, we have succeeded.
      - BIG DADDY.