Anti Artillry Weapons

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    • Both good suggestions, use tactical bombers or rush them with light armor. Both suggestions work best when the artillery is on its own, without infantry or AA cover. If there are other units in the stack, those can shoot down your bombers or stop your tanks.

      Another unit would be rocket artillery, which does 2.5 times the damage to unarmored units (including artillery) compared to regular artillery, which specializes against heavy armor. Stack together with infantry to add more hitpoints to the stack, so your rocket artillery units take less damage and stay effective longer.

      Don't forget to use numbers and terrain to your advantage. Numbers work in every fight. More is better. You do more damage to the enemy more quickly, while they die sooner, doing less damage to you. Always, always stack your units to maximize your odds before a fight. Never, ever send single units into battle.

      Artillery units like hills and mountains for the strength bonus. It's best if you are in hills while the opponent is not, so you get the 50% bonus and they get nothing. Mechanized units like plains, both for the faster movement and the strength bonus. The ideal way to blits artillery is on plains, where you get to them as quickly as possible (they might only get off 1 shot), hit them hard (with your plains bonus), and prevent them from getting their own strength bonus.
    • z00mz00m wrote:

      Both good suggestions, use tactical bombers or rush them with light armor. Both suggestions work best when the artillery is on its own, without infantry or AA cover. If there are other units in the stack, those can shoot down your bombers or stop your tanks.

      Another unit would be rocket artillery, which does 2.5 times the damage to unarmored units (including artillery) compared to regular artillery, which specializes against heavy armor. Stack together with infantry to add more hitpoints to the stack, so your rocket artillery units take less damage and stay effective longer.

      Don't forget to use numbers and terrain to your advantage. Numbers work in every fight. More is better. You do more damage to the enemy more quickly, while they die sooner, doing less damage to you. Always, always stack your units to maximize your odds before a fight. Never, ever send single units into battle.

      Artillery units like hills and mountains for the strength bonus. It's best if you are in hills while the opponent is not, so you get the 50% bonus and they get nothing. Mechanized units like plains, both for the faster movement and the strength bonus. The ideal way to blits artillery is on plains, where you get to them as quickly as possible (they might only get off 1 shot), hit them hard (with your plains bonus), and prevent them from getting their own strength bonus.
      alright. Its just arty in the stacks lol
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