1st Parachute Division Recruiting

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    • 1st Parachute Division Recruiting

      The 1st Parachute Division is at this time recruiting, those who may be new to call of war i or others in the alliance will be able to show you the ropes and help you through the ranks, any question just ask myself or any members.

      This Alliance will allow anyone from any country

      If you will be inactive for more than a week notify Leader (MortarWar).

      -Please be active, Thank you-

      -in-game name MortarWar-

      -Owner of 1st Parachute division alliance-

      -Glory To Democracy-

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Gamer445 ().

    • btw Kurt Student was once commander of what Hitler wanted to be the 1st Parachute Divsion/battalion (I dont remember exactly) and Student once remarked that "it was a rather high-sounding title for something that didn't exist."
      "Another thing that has escaped your notice, Gisgo, is even more amazing: that, although there are so many of them, there is not one among them called Gisgo."