A Second Chance

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    • So, it took you 4 entire months to take the responsibility of that day. Shows how responsible you are! Well, maybe you can be let in, but better behave yourself this time and don't act like a bloody bastard!

      What do we do?

      @Carking the 6th
      "We can be wrong, or we can know it, but we can't do both at the same time." ~ Heisenberg


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Joe Bartolozzi ().

    • We should be able to engage in dialogues and discussions.It shouldn't be a problem if a person states a point and someone is disagreeing with he/she neither should he/she be offended or find it offensive.
      The problem starts when a person becomes offensive by swearing, vulgar language, racial slur including racist remarks or using rhetorical racist language, promoting or praising genocides and horrific crimes,insults, belittling and being plain nasty and ugly.The rule is,If you can't or won't say something good about something/someone rather keep quiet.

      And to @TMC2 it takes guts to come forward and admit your mistakes and wrong doings.Even though you are honest now it would be understandable that some people on the forum might not acknowledge and accept your apology.Your honesty might make it more worse than it is, that's unfortunately how life works but nonetheless you came forward.I'm not defending you neither am I judging you,I missed all the episodes regarding your crime.
      Also you should ask Bytro Management if you can be allowed again on the forum because even if the members approve it Bytro might put a lock on you again,not sure how severe they find your case,in the end it's not really for us to decide...
    • TMC2 wrote:

      Hello everyone, if you haven’t noticed, I am @The Mister Class (username says it all)

      I came back to make a sincere, truthful apology about my previous comments in the “German homefront” thread. I got out of control and said things I wouldn’t normally say. I was frustrated about certain policies made by my country’s government at the time and took it out on the forum. I apologize to everyone who was offended by my comments.

      I also want to apologize for lying about getting hacked. After I realized what I had said, I felt really ashamed and embarrassed and hoped I could be trustful with you guys again. I figured that if I claim I got hacked, you would think it wasn’t me who actually made the comments and we could move on as normal. I confirm that there was no hacking of my previous account whatsoever and I am really sorry for telling a lie like that.

      After about four months since the incident, I hoped that if I come out, admit to everything, and sincerely apologize, you guys could forgive me and maybe would let me be a part of this community again. If you decide to forgive me, I would really appreciate it, and I would make sure to never say bad things like that again. However, if you don’t want to forgive me, I understand. What I said could really hurt a lot of people deep down. If you guys don’t forgive me, then no problem, I will just leave the forum and let you guys keep playing as normal.
      The way I see it, those aren't just things that you just say. They're views that you must have always had but only just came to light. When one goes "out of control", one doesn't simply become a Nazi.

      Sorry man.
      "Imma play CoW to calm down" - Literally nobody ever

      Talvisota of the Abrahamic Caliphate
    • Leaving aside the actual views you aired that got you banned (because going into those is probably going to end in another shitshow, not because I don't think they matter):

      I agree with Vanrendo. The fact that you have apologised for your behaviour (including trying to cover it up) and have stated that if the forum wants you to leave again you will makes me willing to give you a second chance. What you did was deplorable and wrong but if you show willingness to change you should have the opportunity to do so.

      That said I wasn't there for the actual German Homefront thread, and am not one of the people directly hurt by what you said, so it's not up to me to decide.
      EDIT: Another disclaimed is that I do not have any presence on the Discord server, so if there is incriminating evidence there that would change my judgement I am not aware of it unless someone posts it here.
      Her Ladyship Aragosta
      A.K.A. "The Backstab Person"

      Pan-Asian is a better doctrine than Axis when played correctly and you cannot change my mind.

      You just lost The Game.

      Join the Madness here:
      CoW Forum Players! Unite!

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Lady Aragosta ().

    • TMC2 wrote:

      I don't actually sympathize with them
      Stop lying, you are clearly a racist bigot. Don't you have a Nazi SS flag on your discord pfp, let that sink in.

      Renarsm wrote:

      TMC2 wrote:

      I don't actually sympathize with them
      Well, your hesitation to state the reasons for apologizing tells me all I need to know. If you truly wish to repent, you would admit that you were defending fascism.
      And he won't do that. He also has nazi symbols and quotes on his discord...disgusting tbf.
      He doesn't want to change, deep down, he is the same person, a person who would wish that your race perishes. Yes, I know this is some serious stuff..but that's how it is, I'm sorry.

      Racist Neo-Nazi bigot.

      Have a look at these picture of these 'changed' person:
      This is his Discord pfp, in case you are wondering what that symbol means, then well, it is a Nazi SS symbol. (SS were the worst and most brutal branch of Nazis)

      He has some more rhetorically racist stuff on his wall. I'll leave that, it is just disgusting.

      Sorry, but no, TMC is a terrible person and even worse, he doesn't want to change. Awful.
      "We can be wrong, or we can know it, but we can't do both at the same time." ~ Heisenberg

    • TMC2 wrote:

      Thats not my discord, stop trying to frame me
      I really want to believe this is correct.

      Because if it isn't, you've already invalidated part of your apology by doing the same covering-up stuff.
      Her Ladyship Aragosta
      A.K.A. "The Backstab Person"

      Pan-Asian is a better doctrine than Axis when played correctly and you cannot change my mind.

      You just lost The Game.

      Join the Madness here:
      CoW Forum Players! Unite!
    • Harry Potter (1950-2014) was a male contortionist, prostitute and pornographic film actor who once served as the sex slave of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Born into a wealthy Yorkshire family, Potter emerged on the scene in 1969 while performing at nightclubs in Norway. He returned to England in 1972, where he met Patrick Kane, future father of English footballer Harry Kane. In 1977, he converted to Sunni Islam under Thatcher’s advice and became a dervish. During the 1980s, he starred in his first porn movie, “Fun Dicks”, as well as having an affair with Italian stripper Lupé Marriotti while performing in Rome in 1985. In 1992, during the Bosnian War, he taught Serbian teenagers how to painfully rape Bosniak women. He secretly entered into a gay relationship with al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in 2003, but they broke up because Potter’s Sunni faith contrasted bin Laden’s Shia beliefs. He was found dead in Honduras in 2014 while helping a Salvadoran cartel smuggle illegal drugs into Guatemala.
    • Responder01 wrote:

      Harry Potter (1950-2014) was a male contortionist, prostitute and pornographic film actor who once served as the sex slave of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Born into a wealthy Yorkshire family, Potter emerged on the scene in 1969 while performing at nightclubs in Norway. He returned to England in 1972, where he met Patrick Kane, future father of English footballer Harry Kane. In 1977, he converted to Sunni Islam under Thatcher’s advice and became a dervish. During the 1980s, he starred in his first porn movie, “Fun Dicks”, as well as having an affair with Italian stripper Lupé Marriotti while performing in Rome in 1985. In 1992, during the Bosnian War, he taught Serbian teenagers how to painfully rape Bosniak women. He secretly entered into a gay relationship with al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in 2003, but they broke up because Potter’s Sunni faith contrasted bin Laden’s Shia beliefs. He was found dead in Honduras in 2014 while helping a Salvadoran cartel smuggle illegal drugs into Guatemala.
      Is this Generative AI? Because I'm like what the actuall hell.
    • TMC2 wrote:

      Thats not my discord, stop trying to frame me
      LIE LIE LIE.

      That is the same account through which you initially made an apology (Back in April). You also joined by that same account back in June. Shut the fuck up nazi bigot.

      Cover up and lie, absolutely disgraceful.
      "We can be wrong, or we can know it, but we can't do both at the same time." ~ Heisenberg

    • Responder01 wrote:

      Harry Potter (1950-2014) was a male contortionist, prostitute and pornographic film actor who once served as the sex slave of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Born into a wealthy Yorkshire family, Potter emerged on the scene in 1969 while performing at nightclubs in Norway. He returned to England in 1972, where he met Patrick Kane, future father of English footballer Harry Kane. In 1977, he converted to Sunni Islam under Thatcher’s advice and became a dervish. During the 1980s, he starred in his first porn movie, “Fun Dicks”, as well as having an affair with Italian stripper Lupé Marriotti while performing in Rome in 1985. In 1992, during the Bosnian War, he taught Serbian teenagers how to painfully rape Bosniak women. He secretly entered into a gay relationship with al-Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden in 2003, but they broke up because Potter’s Sunni faith contrasted bin Laden’s Shia beliefs. He was found dead in Honduras in 2014 while helping a Salvadoran cartel smuggle illegal drugs into Guatemala.
      What the hell have I just witnessed
      "Imma play CoW to calm down" - Literally nobody ever

      Talvisota of the Abrahamic Caliphate