There's a bug in the America-homefront map.

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    • There's a bug in the America-homefront map.

      There's a bug in the America-homefront map. AI troops appear and some disappear during a fight, and some AI territories produce troops in provinces, this is crazy. One example is when I was about to attack 12 AI troops, just when I was about to make contact and engage with them, they just disappeared and I never saw them again.

      I'm currently fighting Alabama that's taken over by AI, they had 2 medium tanks in a certain province. They sent out one of the tanks to attack me, now that the tank they sent is about to die they just sent in another tank from the same province, but there's still a another tank waiting in that very same province.

      How is that possible..!?

      GameID: #8895601

      The post was edited 1 time, last by K.T Bokaba ().