WarBonds Balancing Suggestion

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    • WarBonds Balancing Suggestion

      so, war bonds have been in game for a while now and mostly positive reviews from players.

      but there have been players who notice problems, including me.

      lets say (theoretically) a large country of 400 points attacks two active small countries that never expanded, so they each are still at 50 points.

      all 3 countries are using war bonds to heal units etc.

      the problem is: combined, the two smaller countries are generating twice as much war bonds than the large country, even tho the large country has 4 times more points than both the small countries combined.

      so, my suggestion is to balance production of war bonds based on number of cities and provinces owned.

      for each province you own, you would generate the following amount of war bonds per day:
      • for each urban core province (city): 5,000 war bonds generated per day.
      • for each non urban core province: 500 war bonds generated per day.
      • for each urban non core province: 1,250 war bonds generated per day. (5,000 divided by 4)
      • for each non urban non core province: 125 war bonds generated per day. (500 divided by 4)
      since in balanced rounds each country starts with 5 cities and about 15-20 rural provinces, total war bonds production per day at the start of the game would be about 30,000 which is the current production per day.

      also, the number of war bonds generated per day would not be affected by province morale.

      going back to my previous example, lets say that the two small countries each have 5 cities and 20 rural provinces, so that makes 30,000 war bonds production per day, so 60,000 per day for the two countries combined.

      and for the large country, (this gonna need some math)... 5 core cities plus 35 non core cities = 40 total cities *10 = 400 points, and lets say they have 20 core rural provinces and 20 *7 = 140 non core rural provinces. that gives them a generation of (5*5000) + (35*1250) + (20*500) + (140*125) = 25000 + 43750 + 10000 + 17500 which all adds up to 96250.
      (tell me if i did the math wrong)

      so, big country gets 96250 bonds per day, while the two small countries combined get 60,000 bonds per day.

      seems reasonable, because the larger country gets more bonds, but not so much more that it makes it unfair.

      what do you think?

      Stay Sweet!
    • War bonds are INDEPENDENT of activity level, resource production, manpower, morale, research, etc. They are supposed to be an equalizer, helping semi-active players to survive longer. That's why war bonds are a new resource type. Else we could just buy war bonds with goods or rares, and then war bonds would be tied to resource production.
    • I agree that bond generation needs to correlate to nation size in some way... but I also like your approach of not using a direct correlation, more of like a square root curve. Maybe early-game bond generation should be lowered to compensate for the larger amount of bonds players would be able to accumulate in the late game?
    • z00mz00m wrote:

      War bonds are INDEPENDENT of activity level, resource production, manpower, morale, research, etc. They are supposed to be an equalizer, helping semi-active players to survive longer. That's why war bonds are a new resource type. Else we could just buy war bonds with goods or rares, and then war bonds would be tied to resource production.
      No, war bonds are meant to allow non-paying players to have access to the gold options without having to spend gold/boosters to use them. They are intended to give non-paying players a better chance against coiners, regardless of their activity level. Remember that war bonds can still be purchased with gold.
    • Komrade Khrushchev wrote:

      They are intended to give non-paying players a better chance against coiners,
      War bonds are intended to make non-payers "learn", that it is "better or more beneficial" to have something like Gold. From the view of cognitive sciences War bonds work like an trojanan horse into the mind, in this case to influence players behavior for the sake of maximizing profit. That's all.
    • War bonds are just making wolf packing that much easier. only way to fix it is increase cost on war bond spy options etc. crazy easy to kill people now. 'even have to try. 0 skill just know when and how to use your bonds enemy is dead if can combine them with friends. The enemy will never be able to do anything. Country size shouldn't mean anything just the costs.

      fact you can buy more bonds with gold hasn't changed anything given coiners extra coin on top of what will spend.

      nice idea but a fail
    • Log of the odds wrote:

      Komrade Khrushchev wrote:

      They are intended to give non-paying players a better chance against coiners,
      War bonds are intended to make non-payers "learn", that it is "better or more beneficial" to have something like Gold. From the view of cognitive sciences War bonds work like an trojanan horse into the mind, in this case to influence players behavior for the sake of maximizing profit. That's all.
      Players can already "try out" the premium actions using the gold they get from achievements, victory payouts, etc. Prior to war bonds, everyone used (various amounts of) gold regardless if they paid for it.
    • The intention of War Bonds appears to be to allow players who DON'T spend on the game to have limited access to Gold/Premium features, while also allowing players who DO spend on the game to still have an advantage by using Gold/Boosters. Paying players will still have an advantage, as they should, but non-paying players finally have a way to fight back without depleting their Gold supply.

      As for the OP, I agree that the issue of smaller nations "outbonding" larger ones needs to be addressed, and I think a gradual increase of bond production, like what @Taffyta Muttonfudge is suggesting, could be a good option. It will need testing and approval from Bytro though.
    • 1101Pathfinder wrote:

      being able to purchase war bonds with gold is just another way of using gold it doesn't Ballance the game when you can buy them. Just supports the lie that you aren't using gold.

      Exactly. Let's stop this nonsense about war bonds giving gold-free players a chance.

      The practical effect is that when a player wakes up to a country in ruins, they will quickly spend all their war bonds to punish the invader. Rushed AT guns, subs, tanks, rockets, sabotaged airfields, etc. There's no incentive to save war bonds, might as well use them, right? This slows down carefully planned and executed invasions. It helps noobs and inactives versus experienced players. Pay to win players won't care. They'll just heal their units and keep going.