Tactical Bombers VS Attack Bombers

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    • Attack bombers can come in handy against ships (they do sink convoys pretty fast).
      But on day 1-4, you want to start with tactical, because

      Nostroma wrote:

      They are infantry killers, including artillery.
      In some scenarios where you expect enemy tanks (eg. on HWW starting next to Germany), you can start with atk bombers
      If you have above 10k manpower, you're not investing properly. A good player never has many resources.

      Larger armies destroy enemies faster without taking damage from them.

      Build only: 1 military building in each city, airstrips, and recruiting stations to boost manpower.

      Minimize research, 2 unit types early, 6 types in late game. Upgrade old units, but: artillery lv1 to lv2 is a waste, only lv1 to lv4 is worth it.

      Enjoy :thumbup:

    • In my experiences, investing in both kinds of bombers is far too expensive. You have to also invest in interceptors to keep your bombers safe then you have to produce them, too.

      I prefer to invest in just attack bombers or just tactical bombers. Decide what you ground forces will need help in (attacking armoured or unarmoured units) then look at your doctrine's buffs and make a decision based on that.
    • If you are allies then you also get that light armor attack bonus. Plus the range is higher. I'd invest in tac bombers first and prioritize that. Even if you are not allies, tac bombers is still a better investment especially if you are playing against a decent player.

      BUT most people in this game make medium and heavy tanks because of the obsession on heavy armor. So attack bombers do have a place here.