War bonds problem

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    • War bonds problem

      I have a update proposal that will be good for everyone

      Do you know when you try to instantly make armies with war bonds, but if you don't have the less then it needs you cannot use them.

      So maybe er could add a feature where we can use them all

      (Example: The army produces after 2 hours and needs 10,000 war bonds and you have only 5,000 war bonds so you can use all you got and make the army production time from 2 hours to 1 hour.)
    • Depends on what needs to be produced from example 2 hours.
      If something needs 2 hours and 10k WB then you can't use 5k and have it produced in 1 hour...is this what you are saying or do I understand incorrect?
      Maybe what you are meaning is that we can use half of the War Bonds needed but with increased times.
      10k WB @2 hours production
      5k WB @4 hours production

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Vanrendo ().

    • the first thing but not like make the value of time always 1 hour it just like army needs 2 hours and it needs 10k but you have only 5k and make that army produce in 1 hour but its not forever its only one time use but when you need to armies but you don't have any war bonds then the production time is 2 hours.