Release Notes - 2024-09-04

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    • Release Notes - 2024-09-04

      War Bonds balancing, new benefits included with Premium Account and bug fixes.

      Continuing on in our efforts to finetune War Bonds, we are making more impactful changes rto Call of War’s latest resource. On all newly created maps, players will now start with 5,000 War Bonds instead of the previous 10,000. This limits the amount of havoc that War Bonds can cause in the very beginning of the game, letting players settle in better when joining a map.
      Additionally, users with Premium Account will now enjoy a 20% increase to the production rate of their War Bonds. This means that the hourly production rate will go from 1,250 to 1,500, giving Premium users one additional special action per gameday.

      We also fixed a bug that caused units stationed in allied territory to automatically attack instead of defending when engaged by enemies. Now, these units will correctly use their defensive combat stats.

      Finally, we are in the process of implementing a moderation tool that automatically checks the newspaper for prohibited content. Please refer to our FAQ section on Helpshift if you have any questions about this change.

      For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

      Your Call of War Team
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    • Pfah!!!!

      Of course....Cut back on the one thing that helped free players try to make up a little distance to the paying players.

      Money bags cried foul...

      War bonds caused havoc in the early stages of the game?....really?...And gold didn't?

      Oh...and as a reward for pointing out this flagrant war bond fiasco, all you money payers get 20% extra war bonds production....that the free players will not get.

      Bias or what.

      Flame on
    • Nostroma wrote:


      Of course....Cut back on the one thing that helped free players try to make up a little distance to the paying players.

      Money bags cried foul...

      War bonds caused havoc in the early stages of the game?....really?...And gold didn't?

      Oh...and as a reward for pointing out this flagrant war bond fiasco, all you money payers get 20% extra war bonds production....that the free players will not get.

      Bias or what.

      Flame on
      The change to PA wasn't based on any direct feedback from the community. The aim is to make Premium a more attractive option, and to also tie it into War Bonds.
      Discord: Call of War
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    • The recent adjustments to WarBonds have all been effective and show that Bytro is listening to their players.

      Thanks for the update, this is headed in the right direction.

      The players who want to play the game completely for free while also having zero disadvantages are unreasonable and will never be satisfied. Some "customers" are not worth keeping happy.
    • SendNubes wrote:

      The recent adjustments to WarBonds have all been effective and show that Bytro is listening to their players.

      Thanks for the update, this is headed in the right direction.

      The players who want to play the game completely for free while also having zero disadvantages are unreasonable and will never be satisfied. Some "customers" are not worth keeping happy.
      Zero disadvantages? Us freebirds know that would never happen. But when something comes along that has just a little balance ( not an advantage), then take it away because those that pay cry foul?....

      We never asked for everything the paypals have....just something to give us even a slim chance for survival if not an actual win.
    • This is probably a more underrated update from Bytro (and underappreciated).

      Bytro is a FOR PROFIT company. They have to make money to pay their employees and thousands of other expenses. Plus the company has to show profit to make it worth the risk of investment from shareholders. I think many users forget this aspect of a business. Whether through selling gold packages or premium subscriptions, Bytro has to make money.

      If you are an active player in this community you want them to make money.

      This update feature allows free-to-play users to mess around with the perks and offers more incentives and value to the company's subscription service through premium accounts.

      I like it.
    • Nostroma wrote:

      Zero disadvantages? Us freebirds know that would never happen. But when something comes along that has just a little balance ( not an advantage), then take it away because those that pay cry foul?....
      We never asked for everything the paypals have....just something to give us even a slim chance for survival if not an actual win.
      First question would be, what do Premium players have that you do not? With the exception of a few automated tasks, there is not a single feature you are missing that can be done by premium account players but not available to you. Premium accounts have some minor automation of tasks available to them, but you have ability to do them all those actions manually on your own.

      So... you want me to pay for my premium account, which does not provide any better units, faster tech, or any game advantage over you "fleebird" (read 'freeloader')... and you are whining that we who support the game finally get a benefit.

      Someone has to pay for the electricity to run the servers. Someone has to pay for the physical servers as well. The BYTRO programmer staff are not volunteers, they have families to feed. You are not supporting any of them while thousands of us through our premium account pay for those things.

      You want to walk around with your hand in my pocket, while I pay for your entertainment, and you want same service as I get. GO FUNK YOURSELF ! (If you're not sure what this is... it's like a Dance off... but to Funky Music!)

      When you can carry your own weight in this world, without being a drain on it financially (and I'll guess emotionally, socially and every other "ly" imaginable)... maybe then you'll have an opinion worth listening to.

      Till then, Thank you BYTRO for the first actual in game advantage provided to Premium players... Ever !
      General Maximus Decimus Meridius - "Are you not entertained?"

      The post was edited 2 times, last by OneNutSquirrel ().

    • I think fire control is a significant advantage to premium. Queue is pretty helpful also.
      That said- imo premium is necessary if you want to play competitively. It’s not a huge at advantage, but like the description says it’s a comfort feature- you can sleep instead of setting a timer to wake you up when ready to build/produce, putting guard units on aggressive stops others from sneaking units past you while sleeping though the night. (❤️) or afk doing rl things. Of all the complaints about gold and gold users complaining about premium is kind of lame. No disrespect intended- just an honest exchange of ideas.