Resources Reforged - Live soon!

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    • Resources Reforged - Live soon!

      After careful consideration and four weeks of extensive testing with the community, we’re moving forward with an update to streamline the resource system in Call of War. As part of this, two resources - Goods and Rare Materials - will be removed from the game with the next update.

      We understand this change is significant, especially for veteran players who value the depth of a complex resource economy. Our goal is to enrich the gameplay experience for all players. By simplifying resources, the game becomes more approachable for new players, while ensuring every choice remains impactful and rewarding for experienced players.

      Meaningful choices and strategic depth

      All provinces that produced the removed resources have been rebalanced to produce one of the remaining resources. We reworked resource production with balance in mind, making sure that the overall material output remains the same. So while the overall number of resources will change, the availability of resources to build up your nation remains the same.

      This update is not just about simplifying gameplay - it’s about evolving it to create more meaningful decisions. This is why we redistributed the production costs of units. Where previously some tech trees had a bias towards specific resources, now there is greater variety. This makes unit build choices more impactful, creating a new layer of strategic depth to be explored. Especially in team play, resource allocation within coalitions will now take on a whole new level of importance.

      Adjustments based on community feedback

      Thanks to feedback from our dedicated Frontline Pioneers, we've made several important adjustments to ensure the rebalance feels authentic and remains anchored in the historic setting of the game.
        • Production costs were fine-tuned
        • Iterated on Building costs, creating more varied gameplay options
        • Refined the rural production on some maps to avoid balancing issues with the various doctrines
        • Rebalanced the efficiency of Urban Industry to open up exciting new opportunities for players to fuel their war machines, adding more depth to gameplay
        • There was an unintended creep in Manpower costs when building units. Now the overall MP costs are on the same level as before.
      Your input was instrumental in shaping this update, and we hope these changes create a dynamic and competitive experience for all.

      Booster Cards

      All existing Goods and Rare Material Booster Cards in your inventory will be converted to Money Booster Cards of an equivalent value. This way you can make your own choice on which resources you want to invest in via the Stock Market. This conversion will take place in the upcoming weeks. We will follow up with more information once we start the conversion process.

      Your Call of War Team

      Discord: Call of War
      Facebook: Call of War
      Twitter: Call of War
    • The picture actually has a meaning for once (like the man with the ream of WBs in July)

      cycle9 wrote:

      "Money Booster Cards"
      to invest in the Commodities Market, which bystro thinks is a "Stock" market.
      the markets are so imbalanced they make communism look like a viable alternative.
      It would've been if it weren't for power-hungry dictators like Stalin, Mao and the Kim dynasty
      Game profile

      I''m a Coptic Orthodox countryball/polcompball fan living in the UK

      My brain died
    • I promised providing this as soon as all values are final, so here we are. This is all the construction/production costs broken down by doctrine. I won't maintain this sheet indefinitely, so no guarantees that these values are up to date beyond the next few weeks. But for now everything in there is what will hit live next week:…u_vZa88m80i1e9eCYeuw/edit
      Discord: Call of War
      Facebook: Call of War
      Twitter: Call of War
    • Im curious to see what happens. I am excited to have a new way to cripple an enemies output. Limiting the resource types it makes it easier to send in spies to sabotage or planes to take out plants.

      I imagine that this will lead to more bunker creation over factories to protect them.

      People paying attention will have new ways of fighting.

      I could be wrong but Commandos and airborne will now have a more useful roll with this type of economy. Commandos take out factories. Go hide in a nearby forest then wait for your enemy to try to rebuild or they simply wont be able to make the unit type they prefer anymore.

      Depending on how it rolls out too you could literally force your enemy to roll into a certain type of unit. For example if your enemy is using planes but not super heavy . You could knock out factories making resources for anything other than planes. This will make your enemy make more planes.

      By doing this you can then focus on AA or interceptors. Then kill them when they roll in.

      Im hopeful.

      Two things Bytro should do for money if that's the concern. Get the art team to give us Skins for our units. something like an orange stripe or symbols on units. Keep it cheap people may eat it up. I would pay a few bucks to get a Rook logo on my med tanks. I would pay a couple bucks for a funny antenna topper for my railroad guns or something. :)

      Increase simplicity of life for free accounts. Allow ques and waypoints. Happy customers continue playing. Even if you get free loaders playing without playing having real people to shoot at makes the experience better for all players. The fact that Bytro limits this is very EA. Some of us adult players have lives and families. Id rather my unit production and effectiveness not go away simply because I cant stare at my phone for 10 minutes.

      Rock on Bytro. Find ways to be better for all of us. Ty for tinkering.
    • RookOnzo wrote:

      Im curious to see what happens. I am excited to have a new way to cripple an enemies output. Limiting the resource types it makes it easier to send in spies to sabotage or planes to take out plants.

      I imagine that this will lead to more bunker creation over factories to protect them.

      People paying attention will have new ways of fighting.

      I could be wrong but Commandos and airborne will now have a more useful roll with this type of economy. Commandos take out factories. Go hide in a nearby forest then wait for your enemy to try to rebuild or they simply wont be able to make the unit type they prefer anymore.

      Depending on how it rolls out too you could literally force your enemy to roll into a certain type of unit. For example if your enemy is using planes but not super heavy . You could knock out factories making resources for anything other than planes. This will make your enemy make more planes.

      By doing this you can then focus on AA or interceptors. Then kill them when they roll in.

      Im hopeful.

      Two things Bytro should do for money if that's the concern. Get the art team to give us Skins for our units. something like an orange stripe or symbols on units. Keep it cheap people may eat it up. I would pay a few bucks to get a Rook logo on my med tanks. I would pay a couple bucks for a funny antenna topper for my railroad guns or something. :)

      Increase simplicity of life for free accounts. Allow ques and waypoints. Happy customers continue playing. Even if you get free loaders playing without playing having real people to shoot at makes the experience better for all players. The fact that Bytro limits this is very EA. Some of us adult players have lives and families. Id rather my unit production and effectiveness not go away simply because I cant stare at my phone for 10 minutes.

      Rock on Bytro. Find ways to be better for all of us. Ty for tinkering.
      I don't see why people are complaining about the update
      Game profile

      I''m a Coptic Orthodox countryball/polcompball fan living in the UK

      My brain died