Nuclear REFITTING - Why not?

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    • Nuclear REFITTING - Why not?

      Nuclear Bombers are single-use units, meaning they disappear when you nuke the enemy with them. This causes the problem: They are expensive to manufacture and also horribly time-consuming to build. This problem makes me ask myself: Why doesn't Bytro add a brand new FUNCTION?: Nuclear REFITTING. Yes, Nuclear REFITTING.
      Nuclear refitting means that: Once you drop the nuke, the Nuclear Bomber will automatically change its name and status to a Strategical Bomber. To drop a new nuke, the Strategic Bomber will fly back to base. The new nuclear bomb can be built in another city and then transported using a truck to the airbase where the Bomber is staying. Refitting a Nuclear Bomb also depends on the level of the airbase, much like Refueling: The highest level will allow the refitting process to happen in just 15 minutes. If the player doesn't refit, they can still work like a normal Strategic Bomber: Blowing up enemy buildings.
      Consider! :)
    • hmm but the production time of a nuke cartridge must still be off the rocker long otherwise this can be used to just bomb indefinietly. However, I dont see a point. You can produce nuke bombers, and you can fly them form base. Most of the build time in a nuke bomber is spent on the nuke, so you wont be doing much.