Happy Holidays - From Bytro

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    • vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      Goliath Coconut wrote:

      Today... Was like any other day. Nobody saw it coming until bam! Single handedly bytro may have ended the chat trolling problem... But at what cost. Now many many of my friends are gone forever :( Bytro has once again crushed its loyal players... May they Rest In Peace, they have dropped a MOAB, to kill a spider. Many innocent were lost today may they R.I.P
      What happened?
      Alright yo, don't EVER use my good boy's words to campaign... leave my pookie out of your politics!
    • King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      Goliath Coconut wrote:

      Today... Was like any other day. Nobody saw it coming until bam! Single handedly bytro may have ended the chat trolling problem... But at what cost. Now many many of my friends are gone forever :( Bytro has once again crushed its loyal players... May they Rest In Peace, they have dropped a MOAB, to kill a spider. Many innocent were lost today may they R.I.P
      What happened?
      Alright yo, don't EVER use my good boy's words to campaign... leave my pookie out of your politics!
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • New

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      Goliath Coconut wrote:

      Today... Was like any other day. Nobody saw it coming until bam! Single handedly bytro may have ended the chat trolling problem... But at what cost. Now many many of my friends are gone forever :( Bytro has once again crushed its loyal players... May they Rest In Peace, they have dropped a MOAB, to kill a spider. Many innocent were lost today may they R.I.P
      What happened?
      Alright yo, don't EVER use my good boy's words to campaign... leave my pookie out of your politics!
      alr bro, don't use my words for your campaign either, I support the improvement party bc of your BS and lies. And no, I am not a deep state nor a communist, I am a Christian conservative so don't you think of calling me any of that.
    • New

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      Goliath Coconut wrote:

      Today... Was like any other day. Nobody saw it coming until bam! Single handedly bytro may have ended the chat trolling problem... But at what cost. Now many many of my friends are gone forever :( Bytro has once again crushed its loyal players... May they Rest In Peace, they have dropped a MOAB, to kill a spider. Many innocent were lost today may they R.I.P
      What happened?
      Alright yo, don't EVER use my good boy's words to campaign... leave my pookie out of your politics!
      alr bro, don't use my words for your campaign either, I support the improvement party bc of your BS and lies. And no, I am not a deep state nor a communist, I am a Christian conservative so don't you think of calling me any of that.
      Why would anyone want to use 'your' words? That would be like wearing your underwear...ugh!
      And what does that actually mean: 'your words'? Do you own certain words?
      And do you also 'own' the words of your 'good boy'?

      So far we have not been able to establish your ownership of any words though.
      MAfGA(tm) will of course honor any copyrights, trade marks etc. you own. We - MAfGA(tm) expect you to do the same though!

      In the meanwhile I see is that you are (ab)using mighty beautiful words used by MAfGA(tm).
      MAfGA(tm) uses many beautiful words. Some say they are the most beautiful words in the world!

      Further - and this is not an accusation but and observation - the FBI Handbook states that an unsollicited denial is an admission of guilt...
      With that in mind, why are you so adamantly bringing up the point that you are not a Forum Deep State Element????

      Is that something MAfGA(tm) should look into?
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • New

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      Goliath Coconut wrote:

      Today... Was like any other day. Nobody saw it coming until bam! Single handedly bytro may have ended the chat trolling problem... But at what cost. Now many many of my friends are gone forever :( Bytro has once again crushed its loyal players... May they Rest In Peace, they have dropped a MOAB, to kill a spider. Many innocent were lost today may they R.I.P
      What happened?
      Alright yo, don't EVER use my good boy's words to campaign... leave my pookie out of your politics!
      alr bro, don't use my words for your campaign either, I support the improvement party bc of your BS and lies. And no, I am not a deep state nor a communist, I am a Christian conservative so don't you think of calling me any of that.
      Why would anyone want to use 'your' words? That would be like wearing your underwear...ugh!And what does that actually mean: 'your words'? Do you own certain words?
      And do you also 'own' the words of your 'good boy'?

      So far we have not been able to establish your ownership of any words though.
      MAfGA(tm) will of course honor any copyrights, trade marks etc. you own. We - MAfGA(tm) expect you to do the same though!

      In the meanwhile I see is that you are (ab)using mighty beautiful words used by MAfGA(tm).
      MAfGA(tm) uses many beautiful words. Some say they are the most beautiful words in the world!

      Further - and this is not an accusation but and observation - the FBI Handbook states that an unsollicited denial is an admission of guilt...
      With that in mind, why are you so adamantly bringing up the point that you are not a Forum Deep State Element????

      Is that something MAfGA(tm) should look into?
      MAFGA's words are as beautiful as Bytro's handling of CoW. And you know exactly what I mean when using my words. I mean using my posts to campaign with your disgusting, corrupt, bytro-puppet party.
    • New

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      King Romanov theIvan wrote:

      Alright yo, don't EVER use my good boy's words to campaign... leave my pookie out of your politics!
      alr bro, don't use my words for your campaign either, I support the improvement party bc of your BS and lies. And no, I am not a deep state nor a communist, I am a Christian conservative so don't you think of calling me any of that.
      Why would anyone want to use 'your' words? That would be like wearing your underwear...ugh!And what does that actually mean: 'your words'? Do you own certain words?And do you also 'own' the words of your 'good boy'?

      So far we have not been able to establish your ownership of any words though.
      MAfGA(tm) will of course honor any copyrights, trade marks etc. you own. We - MAfGA(tm) expect you to do the same though!

      In the meanwhile I see is that you are (ab)using mighty beautiful words used by MAfGA(tm).
      MAfGA(tm) uses many beautiful words. Some say they are the most beautiful words in the world!

      Further - and this is not an accusation but and observation - the FBI Handbook states that an unsollicited denial is an admission of guilt...
      With that in mind, why are you so adamantly bringing up the point that you are not a Forum Deep State Element????

      Is that something MAfGA(tm) should look into?
      MAFGA's words are as beautiful as Bytro's handling of CoW. And you know exactly what I mean when using my words. I mean using my posts to campaign with your disgusting, corrupt, bytro-puppet party.
      We - MAfGA(tm), MOM, The-Only-True-Truth(tm) and all associates questioned about your alleged 'posts' - have no recollection of any of your posts pertaining to anything useful.

      There may ofc be posts from your hand, but unfortunately they apperently made no impression, as no one actively remembers them.

      Also, we must protest your use of adjectives, like 'bytro-puppet'.
      As MAfGA(tm) always does, you should substantiate your claims or keep them to yourself.
      Otherwise they can only be classified as more Forum Deep State fake-lies!

      Tread careful now; you are walking deeper and deeper into the self-created swamp of the Forum Deep State!
      Once caught in the swamp, the only path out of it leads to a one-size-fits-all orange overall, worn in special facilities.
      These facilities are reserved for the 'worst of illegal Forum Deep State Elements', who threaten the Freedom of Forum Denizens, and of whom we don't trust even the Moon will hold them.
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • New

      First off, I do not understand why this Ruskie brings the election stuff into this thread, but, heck, if he wants to, who are I or MAfGA(tm) to stop him? After all, MAfGA(tm)'s trade mark is freedom!
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • New

      MAfGA(tm) a rip-off?

      We have

      -> Caps,
      Mafga hat.jpg
      -> Flags
      MAFGA FLAG.jpg

      and bumper stickers!
      MAFGA ULTRA.jpg

      MAfGA(tm) has very good merch. Some say it is the best merch in the world!
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • New

      Goliath Coconut wrote:

      @King Romanov theIvan you shouldve copyrighted MCGA now this dude using some rip off version of it
      You should have seen Owen. He literally stole 3 of my slogans until I settled for MCGA and TRCD. And some of these are older than you think.

      The ones he stole were:
      "Fight 'til the end, we'll make the mess end"
      "Keep Coconuts Great"
      "Check the facts and pass the laws!"

      And then he tried to steal my main ones, but I didn't let him.
      "Make Coconuts Great Again!"
      "The Return of the Coconut Dream!"
      "We do not forgive and we do not forget"

      And after that he was mad I won the Senate race, and tried to copyright the Coconut party when he was in the Democrat one, so that is when he was purged.
      And then Konigs became president.
    • New

      Who are you to decide if that should be the case?
      Aren't you part of a gang of underaged, uneducated and rude kiddo's, each of which is in fact an undocumented illiegal forum immigrant according to the TOU?
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • New

      That is exactly the message to the kids :)
      As said, this is an educational thread...
      And the results are quite good.

      Look at their improvements:
      - Sometimes they are now almost able to put multiple words in context in a phrase.
      - Rarely, but it is happening, that they are able to read 2 or 3 phrases in a row, without panicking bc of 'the wall of text'.
      - On occasion they even manage to react appropriately.

      Imagine, their parents nor their teachers succeeded at that, but MAfGA(tm) did!
      Isn't that just great?

      So, let no one say MAfGA(tm) doesn't care about the underaged, undocumented, illegal forum immigrants!
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO

      The post was edited 2 times, last by vonlettowvorbeck ().