The "Resources Reforged" (err... RUINED!) update has shook up the very fundamentals of Call of War, and was met with overwhelming criticism from the playerbase. Because of the negative effects that this update has on the overall game, I suggest that it be removed. I am starting a petition for everyone who supports the removal of the "Resources Reforged" downgrade to voice their support. If Bytro really cares about their players' opinions, they will take action and remove the update.
Petition To Remove the "Resources Reforged" Update
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Remove it, pronto!
Here is a poll to vote on. The poll ends a week from now.
Don't know what y'alls problem is with it. Y'all are hating.
Get rid of it NOW!
Bandersnatch wrote:
Don't know what y'alls problem is with it. Y'all are hating.
Would you care to explain to this chap why the "Resources Ruined" downgrade is bad? -
Resource availability has become a major issue since the update.
In general, resources have become scarcer. -
I vote a "YES" to remove the update.
WilhelmSchultz wrote:
Resource availability has become a major issue since the update.
In general, resources have become scarcer.
Already 6 to 1... that's 85%
Phillip Bosley wrote:
Bandersnatch wrote:
Don't know what y'alls problem is with it. Y'all are hating.
Would you care to explain to this chap why the "Resources Ruined" downgrade is bad?
Cope harder
8 to 1
Bandersnatch wrote:
Don't know what y'alls problem is with it. Y'all are hating.
Do you really not notice a significant difference in game play?
If really not, that means you never played the game well. That is not bashing, but a simple truth.
Let me explain:
Before you had 5 resources and units and buildings requiring a multitude of combinations.
We had F(ood), G(oods), M(etal), O(il) & R(are).
The combinations always had 2 or even 3 rss, right?
Possible theoretical combinations of 2 are:
1. F+G / 2. F+M / 3. F+O /4. F+R / 5. M+G / 6. M+O / 7. M+R / 8. R+G / 9. R+O => 9 combinations
Logically, EVEN YOU can imagine that with the combinatios of 3 there were even more.
10. F&G+M / 11. F&G+O / 12. F&G+R .... etc
Do YOU, @Bandersnatch, understand this so far? (IF NOT, pls do tell me and I will try to explain better)
With many possible combinations for different requirements like Units and Buildings and Research, you thus had many Choices to make, but were also free to find alternatives when you met constraints.
Which rss do I have plenty, which not? Which units do I want that fit my playstyle and what are the alternatives? What does this mean for Buildings and Industry and Research requirements? What should I thus focus on with Industry?
Et cetera andsoforth.
This was an intriscial and important part of the game and making the right choices largely determined your chance of success!
Please note that if you never asked yourself these questions, you simply were (are) not a good player.
Far from even: then you are simply a very bad player that could not ever win, except by accident through coalition or inactivity of others.
This is not bashing you, but a simple truth.
And maybe it is not your fault, because maybe you never had the opportunity to learn logic like others do.
Maybe you never played with LEGO, Meccano, puzzles and thus did not get the same development possibilities?
That is not your fault, but a fact remains a fact, and that fact would be you never played well, because you never applied sensible logic to your economic, research & military strategy.
And without that, even a tactical genius cannot win a game.
Now for the crux:
By diminishing rss to 3 only, the remaining combinations possible have been reduced drastically to:
1. F+M
2. F+O
3. M+O
Do you notice the drastic reduction in possible combinations?
Do you realize that now all Units, Buildings and Research depend on these 3 combinations?
Do you understand that they thus must compete with each other for the same 3 rss?
Thát is a mega-simplification.
The effect of this simplification is that the good choices have become drastically less.
Logically, many units are thus now a bad choice, which equals: obsolete!
Simply said, you should ofc focus on getting most 'bang for your buck' as always, but because of limited rss combinations, this is limited to only a few units now. All the rest you should only research, build production infrastructure for and produce, when ...AND ONLY WHEN ... you have the luxury of not needing the better units (e.g. bc you already won but the game still drags on for a bit).
1. A complete layer of the gameplay has been removed, which was an intrinsical part of the game for any reasonable player.
2. Many loveable units have become obsolete.
Why still develop RA and SPRA? You have to wait before you can and later in the game you will face mostly idgits with Heavy and Medium Tanks anyway. Thus Artillery is much more preferable: its earlier and cheaper and only less good vs Infantery than RA, but you can have more Artillery earlier compensating that.
3. Nothing positive was added by this downgrade
4. Scarcity has relatively increased by competition for more uses by less resources.
Only those players that never understood the game fully, won't feel the pain. They can't miss the many layers that have been removed over the past few years, because they never knew.
These are the idgits the better players 'feed on' and they do not matter.
You know the type:
- Pretty high rank sometimes (because of hundreds of mapsplayedstarted),
- Always losing and/or going inactive,
- Possibly 1 solo victory and a few coa-victories by accident (to which they did not even contribute).
- Players with a total victory rate of a few percent only.
In short idgits, that don't have a clue why they play specifically this game.
And guess what? Most don't have HC nor spend a penny otherwise. Thus, they also hardly matter to Bytro's success.
So, clearly the simplification and the dumbing down is not for them.
Then what is the dumbification for, you should ask?
Well, it simply is part of the new 'monetization strategy' (milking the game for more money), probably heavily directed by Stillfront, which is in deep trouble.
And because of that, the game is being ripped apart. Layer after layer of this game is peeled off and crap is being added, which has nothing to do with strategy. Whereas - which maybe is new to you - strategy is the reason to play this game!
Nothing good has been added lately.
Resources Ruined being most ruiness.
But take Warbonds for instance: they hugely help me speed up victory!
And now you: you don't win a single game more because of WBs. They are nót there to help the dimwits. They exist so people will be more tempted to buy gold. It is all part of a pathetic monetization attempt, by which the product/game is being destroyed.
Do you get it now @Bandersnatch? It is not 'just hating' ... it is MOURNING the deterioration of a once well crafted game.
Btw, I can't find you in the rankings.... Lots of Bandersnatches but not you; or all you? But none have rank.
Care to tell?STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!
CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)
ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!
"We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEOThe post was edited 4 times, last by vonlettowvorbeck ().
Yes, because the community was blatantly ignored in the creation of Resources Reforged
those bastards won't. They just care about money, which will ironically kill there game when if they had added better features, people would have spent more money on it.Do YOU want COW to be more complex and tactical? Are YOU tired of updates that just add another P2W aspect of the game? Are you TIRED of the AUTHORITARIAN Mafga?
Then YOU should VOTE the Improvement Party, which seeks to 'Improve' Call of War, and promote FREE and FAIR elections.
VOTE for the Improvement Party! VOTE for a better future!
GeneralJames wrote:
those bastards
Komrade Khrushchev wrote:
GeneralJames wrote:
those bastards
If you can, go to Hamburg and storm Bytro HQ -
A majority of units were bad or not popular before the update. I still don't get it.
You still don't get it, do you?
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