I've seen many new players (less than 10 games) who have admitted to, or through their actions, been shown to have 2 or more accounts during a match. This problem has been going on for 10 years. When will Bytro or Stillfront create an automated anti-cheat system that checks IP or a system that doesn't rely on player enforcement?
The current solution is ineffective and inefficient. It can take several days for Bytro to research and ban the player. By that time, they have overwhelmed you. If you report a Multi-Account person and they are proven to be such, you should receive a gold reward for the time, energy and possibly gold you spent on a game where the cheater was allowed to play well past the report date.
Hell, I'm fighting a guy who is using a Swastika in his name and "SS" in his logo and Bytro has done nothing for 2 days. Another player said he has 3 accounts in our game. He uses 2 of the accounts to feed his main Germany account. I don't mind losing in a fair fight...but I hate playing in rigged games.
The current solution is ineffective and inefficient. It can take several days for Bytro to research and ban the player. By that time, they have overwhelmed you. If you report a Multi-Account person and they are proven to be such, you should receive a gold reward for the time, energy and possibly gold you spent on a game where the cheater was allowed to play well past the report date.
Hell, I'm fighting a guy who is using a Swastika in his name and "SS" in his logo and Bytro has done nothing for 2 days. Another player said he has 3 accounts in our game. He uses 2 of the accounts to feed his main Germany account. I don't mind losing in a fair fight...but I hate playing in rigged games.
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