Multi-Account abuse and lack of quick action/remedy!

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    • Multi-Account abuse and lack of quick action/remedy!

      I've seen many new players (less than 10 games) who have admitted to, or through their actions, been shown to have 2 or more accounts during a match. This problem has been going on for 10 years. When will Bytro or Stillfront create an automated anti-cheat system that checks IP or a system that doesn't rely on player enforcement?

      The current solution is ineffective and inefficient. It can take several days for Bytro to research and ban the player. By that time, they have overwhelmed you. If you report a Multi-Account person and they are proven to be such, you should receive a gold reward for the time, energy and possibly gold you spent on a game where the cheater was allowed to play well past the report date.

      Hell, I'm fighting a guy who is using a Swastika in his name and "SS" in his logo and Bytro has done nothing for 2 days. Another player said he has 3 accounts in our game. He uses 2 of the accounts to feed his main Germany account. I don't mind losing in a fair fight...but I hate playing in rigged games.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by BeerBelly ().

    • I agree with the OP here.

      It doesnt over bother me re the nazi thing but it is against German law and I have noticed for a long time no moderation seems to take place. I have had dog's abuse from players, nothing done about it etc, etc.

      TBH am wondering if this is the calm before the storm and the whole game is about to go off line because it is losing too much money. Nothing seems to be being done about issues, which makes me think no one cares anymore. The only thing happening is more ways to get gold from you and thus extract real money.

      I cant think of any changes I have liked except probably the bonuses though I dont mind the war bonds which are useful for injuries, repairs and preventing rebellions.
    • Just facts nothing but the facts: I have reported a player for racist language, he was kicked out; I can’t remember how long it took but as I recall it wasn’t too long. I have been in a game during which a player and his dummy acct. were kicked out, I did not report that one someone else did. I have reported suspicious multiplayer on three ( I think not sure) occasions, I received 1 acknowledgment of receipt of said report I heard nothing on the others. Just facts.
      Delmarva pirate-ripping, running and hiding.
      Walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction, taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. :saint:
    • now for opinion: I think this is a something Bytro needs to be more transparent with. I get that there are a lot, and I mean a lot of people who cannot accept that they just plain got beat. However whether true or not there is a high degree of suspicion amongst the community regarding this subject. It is high time-past time that Bytro address the subject with more than just- file a report.
      Delmarva pirate-ripping, running and hiding.
      Walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction, taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. :saint:
    • Delmarva pirate wrote:

      now for opinion: I think this is a something Bytro needs to be more transparent with. I get that there are a lot, and I mean a lot of people who cannot accept that they just plain got beat. However whether true or not there is a high degree of suspicion amongst the community regarding this subject. It is high time-past time that Bytro address the subject with more than just- file a report.
      I don't file a report unless I have proof or an extremely strong case. In a couple of recent games, the player admitted to having a second account in the match. When I don't have that admission, I can tell when a player is using two (or more) sets of war bonds to fast-track research and production. The introduction of war bonds makes multi-accounting even more frustrating because it is like giving free gold to a player with two accounts. I filed my report almost a week ago now...still no response or acknowledgment from Bytro.