THE COCONUT CULT recruiting now!

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    • THE COCONUT CULT recruiting now!

      If you like politics, enjoy free speech, enjoy fun (Biased) alliance games, drama, debates, elections, and being appreciated fairly, then THE COCONUT CULT is perfect for you! We have also joined forces with THE NATIONALIST COCONUT UNION, former THE TRUE COCONUT REPUBLIC (Elections happened).

      We are basically 1 alliance in 2, and THE COCONUT CULT is looking for new members.
      The requirements are not bad tbh:

      No rank lvl required.
      Respect all religions (Except satanism)
      Be polite, even when someone's views don't agree with yours (Except if they like a certain mustache man and Trudeau)
      Be active in chat, and be a good influence.
      Know when something is a joke and when something can be taken with offense.
      Have a lot of patience.
      Enjoy free speech.
      Have basic morals.
      Be professional, and do not stir any unnecessary drama.
      Know when alliance games are available (No more than 5 alliance games/challenges are allowed according to our current leader)
      Have fun!

      ANY unexcused inactivity for more than 1 week will be a ban. You can join back with an invitation sent to you and a message. Yes, we do have trials. Our Officers are the jury and the PM is the judge, if you are found guilty of any immoral acts, or any rule breakings, or corruption it will be an immediate kick/purge. NO DISCORD SERVER, as it is viewed as unnecessary by almost all members, since alliance chat and DMs and alliance game news paper and current chats are enough.

      Join THE COCONUT CULT now for free coconuts and burgers and tacos!
    • Rules Rules- to heck with that. Plus depending on the acts role playing is a form of drama. I don’t know about others but a little bit of role playing/drama helps keep the night alive.
      I will concede that sometimes someone goes over the line. In which case a good lashing with a cat o’ nine will “educate” them
      Delmarva pirate-ripping, running and hiding.
      Walking contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction, taking every wrong direction on his lonely way back home. :saint: