I would like to thank all the supporters of the MAfGA movement. It wouldn't have been possible to win this election if it wasn't for our glorious supporters. We, under the leadership of Claudio have defeated the DeepState led by Da Fudge movement. We have taken back the Forums and this great victory was only possible because of your co-operation.
Now, as we have won this election. I would like to invite @Claudio NVKP to attend this inauguration ceremony and take upon the post of the Forum President. On this auspicious occasion, I would also like to invite our fellow supporters to take pride in this ceremony and send their wishes to the true leader of the people, Claudio NVKD. The MAfGA movement will take upon the necessary initiatives to make the forums great again! Today, is a day of joy, and I would love to have all of forum citizens, even those who supported the deepstate to come here and congratulate Claudio for this victory. I would like to thank all the supporters of the MAfGA movement. It wouldn't have been possible to win this election if it wasn't for our glorious supporters. We, under the leadership of Claudio have defeated the DeepState led by Da Fudge movement. We have taken back the Forums and this great victory was only possible because of your co-operation.
Shortly after, there would be a power sharing arrangement with Claudio as the Prez and other ministries would be formed.
We would like to extend our invitations to:
@Taffyta Muttonfudge @Bandersnatch @Komrade Khrushchev @AnonymeggABC1234 @-VIP- @General Sherman
And of course! We will like to invite our fellow supporters too:
@K.Rokossovski @vonlettowvorbeck @pod_than @ComradeGenz @Vanrendo @WilhelmSchultz @HenrikSchreiber @Phillip Bosley
"We can be wrong, or we can know it, but we can't do both at the same time." ~ Heisenberg
The post was edited 2 times, last by Joe Bartolozzi ().