A Trip Down Memory Lane - Legacy Client (1.0)

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    • Good old days!
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • I join COW when I was 11. I do believe that I join during 1.0, because when I was playing 1944: Endgame, (I never reloaded tabs) I saw my ally had changed his flag, and I decided to reload, and I noticed the Game looked very different.

      One thing that stood out to me was how the buttons had changed position.
      Do YOU want COW to be more complex and tactical? Are YOU tired of updates that just add another P2W aspect of the game? Are you TIRED of the AUTHORITARIAN Mafga?

      Then YOU should VOTE the Improvement Party, which seeks to 'Improve' Call of War, and promote FREE and FAIR elections.

      VOTE for the Improvement Party! VOTE for a better future!
    • AnonymeggABC1234 wrote:

      Infantry and Ordnance were one group?
      How about looking at it neutrally?
      Would you then notice something different about the set-up of the tech-trees?

      For instance, if you had less units, why would you have lots of pages for the same Class?
      And isn't artillery still Infantery Class?

      Just suggesting to use one's brain...even if it is a Lizard's brain...
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      AnonymeggABC1234 wrote:

      Infantry and Ordnance were one group?
      How about looking at it neutrally?Would you then notice something different about the set-up of the tech-trees?

      For instance, if you had less units, why would you have lots of pages for the same Class?
      And isn't artillery still Infantery Class?

      Just suggesting to use one's brain...even if it is a Lizard's brain...
      tf? Why are you rude for no reason?
      Do YOU want COW to be more complex and tactical? Are YOU tired of updates that just add another P2W aspect of the game? Are you TIRED of the AUTHORITARIAN Mafga?

      Then YOU should VOTE the Improvement Party, which seeks to 'Improve' Call of War, and promote FREE and FAIR elections.

      VOTE for the Improvement Party! VOTE for a better future!
    • GeneralJames wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      AnonymeggABC1234 wrote:

      Infantry and Ordnance were one group?
      How about looking at it neutrally?Would you then notice something different about the set-up of the tech-trees?
      For instance, if you had less units, why would you have lots of pages for the same Class?
      And isn't artillery still Infantery Class?

      Just suggesting to use one's brain...even if it is a Lizard's brain...
      tf? Why are you rude for no reason?
      What is rude about it?
      You are clearly a suspect member of the Lizard Invader's & FDS Cohort!
      Besides that, you should look at EVOLUTION in general and then specifically at the EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN BRAIN.
      Guess what?
      You might learn something!

      I know that is already hard to process, but learning stuff and applying knowledge really improves life. For instance, it prevents too many questions that one doesn't need to ask and it prevents one from making dumb remarks that show one hasn't learned a thing yet.

      Let's make it simple for you and take a IRL case: You & Me

      You basically live in your phone screen and didn't learn anything of value yet, because you trust your phone screen and Google & Co. to answer all your questions. This actually stops you from proactively asking the right questions.
      With that, your independent and critical thinking is out of the window and RL experience reduced to zero (no, Insta, FB, TikTok etc. are not RL!!!).
      In reality, all you do is react and since you know so little yourself, you have to get help from your digital brain extension on virtually every occasion.
      What you do not realize, however, is that your go-to brain extension (aka Google & Co.) is just applying an algorythm, designed to give you answers it has determined that you want. As such it is not providing you answers at all, but trying to please you with a 'perfect user experience'.
      This explains why you and others like you are so confuddled, unstable and lack resistance to almost everything (physical/emotional/etc).

      I exploit the wealth of experiences offered in life in real time. Travelled 54 countries on 5 of the continents, speak 5 languages (+ 3 rudimentarily), I love and know a lot of history, economy, politics and its drivers and can thus judge the present and draw pretty good scenario's for the future (hint; most scenario's don't look very good for your generation and that is largely due to your own doing. Sorry ;( ).
      Ofc I bumped into difficult situations, but I handled it and always got out of it by using my brain, assessing situations and finding solutions (and sometimes just getting lucky).
      All that being possible because I can make use of my brain, while creatively applying accumulated knowledge, knowing at least something of almost everything, while realizing I will always know less then there is to know.

      The differences:
      I don't go cry 'racism' or go running to Mummy&Daddy or Mods or whoever to handle a perceived problem, simply because I don't have to.
      You, on the other hand, will have to, because handling something yourself is practically impossible if it is not 2D.

      You can step on my short and sturdy toes, but all that will happen is that you will hurt yourself, because they are armored with RL experience (you know.... well, no, you don't....but RL is a bit like stuff in 3D + extras).
      Your mile long and over-sensitive toes, however, will go black and blue already when someone just looks at them and then you cry.
      Possibly all the while chewing your black painted fingernails and pulling your purple hair in dispair.
      And that is just sad :(

      The worst thing is that your kind makes other people trip over those mile-long toes and you don't even care that they can hurt themselves ... because of you being you; a selfish, too lazy to think independently, spoiled gen-Z, having it all and appreciating none of it!
      And that is just mean!

      All I do do is stimulate your independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, I am helping you. I am thus a nice guy!
      All you do is being oversensitive and mean when you don't get what you want. So, in fact, you are a bully!

      Now, ofc, I do not expect you to say I am right about you being a Lizard Invader or a Lizard Collaborateur or how terrible it is to be of the gen-Z type.
      And you don't have to.
      You know I am right, and I know you know. No need to dwell on it in public ;)
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • General Sherman wrote:

      Some people like to take their frustration from their life's problems out on random people on an internet forum
      Yep, it is rude to suggest one has to use one's brain after a slurr of dumb questions of which the answers were already given...
      That is so rude!

      But, it is not rude to be too lazy to use one's brain and pester other denizens with your ignorance and unwillingness to learn?

      I beg to differ!

      What is rude, is destroying other people's positive perspectives, like: I always thought there were no dumb questions...
      But bc of you, Generals S &J , I have to review that stance!

      PS: and yes, indeed, artillery is Infantery Class, even though you never realized what that means :)
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO

      The post was edited 1 time, last by vonlettowvorbeck ().

    • vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      GeneralJames wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      AnonymeggABC1234 wrote:

      Infantry and Ordnance were one group?
      How about looking at it neutrally?Would you then notice something different about the set-up of the tech-trees?For instance, if you had less units, why would you have lots of pages for the same Class?
      And isn't artillery still Infantery Class?

      Just suggesting to use one's brain...even if it is a Lizard's brain...
      tf? Why are you rude for no reason?
      What is rude about it?You are clearly a suspect member of the Lizard Invader's & FDS Cohort!
      Besides that, you should look at EVOLUTION in general and then specifically at the EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN BRAIN.
      Guess what?
      You might learn something!

      I know that is already hard to process, but learning stuff and applying knowledge really improves life. For instance, it prevents too many questions that one doesn't need to ask and it prevents one from making dumb remarks that show one hasn't learned a thing yet.

      Let's make it simple for you and take a IRL case: You & Me

      You basically live in your phone screen and didn't learn anything of value yet, because you trust your phone screen and Google & Co. to answer all your questions. This actually stops you from proactively asking the right questions.
      With that, your independent and critical thinking is out of the window and RL experience reduced to zero (no, Insta, FB, TikTok etc. are not RL!!!).
      In reality, all you do is react and since you know so little yourself, you have to get help from your digital brain extension on virtually every occasion.
      What you do not realize, however, is that your go-to brain extension (aka Google & Co.) is just applying an algorythm, designed to give you answers it has determined that you want. As such it is not providing you answers at all, but trying to please you with a 'perfect user experience'.
      This explains why you and others like you are so confuddled, unstable and lack resistance to almost everything (physical/emotional/etc).

      I exploit the wealth of experiences offered in life in real time. Travelled 54 countries on 5 of the continents, speak 5 languages (+ 3 rudimentarily), I love and know a lot of history, economy, politics and its drivers and can thus judge the present and draw pretty good scenario's for the future (hint; most scenario's don't look very good for your generation and that is largely due to your own doing. Sorry ;( ).
      Ofc I bumped into difficult situations, but I handled it and always got out of it by using my brain, assessing situations and finding solutions (and sometimes just getting lucky).
      All that being possible because I can make use of my brain, while creatively applying accumulated knowledge, knowing at least something of almost everything, while realizing I will always know less then there is to know.

      The differences:
      I don't go cry 'racism' or go running to Mummy&Daddy or Mods or whoever to handle a perceived problem, simply because I don't have to.
      You, on the other hand, will have to, because handling something yourself is practically impossible if it is not 2D.

      You can step on my short and sturdy toes, but all that will happen is that you will hurt yourself, because they are armored with RL experience (you know.... well, no, you don't....but RL is a bit like stuff in 3D + extras).
      Your mile long and over-sensitive toes, however, will go black and blue already when someone just looks at them and then you cry.
      Possibly all the while chewing your black painted fingernails and pulling your purple hair in dispair.
      And that is just sad :(

      The worst thing is that your kind makes other people trip over those mile-long toes and you don't even care that they can hurt themselves ... because of you being you; a selfish, too lazy to think independently, spoiled gen-Z, having it all and appreciating none of it!
      And that is just mean!

      All I do do is stimulate your independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, I am helping you. I am thus a nice guy!
      All you do is being oversensitive and mean when you don't get what you want. So, in fact, you are a bully!

      Now, ofc, I do not expect you to say I am right about you being a Lizard Invader or a Lizard Collaborateur or how terrible it is to be of the gen-Z type.
      And you don't have to.
      You know I am right, and I know you know. No need to dwell on it in public ;)
      What the actual fuck. YOU LITTERALY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME
      Do YOU want COW to be more complex and tactical? Are YOU tired of updates that just add another P2W aspect of the game? Are you TIRED of the AUTHORITARIAN Mafga?

      Then YOU should VOTE the Improvement Party, which seeks to 'Improve' Call of War, and promote FREE and FAIR elections.

      VOTE for the Improvement Party! VOTE for a better future!
    • GeneralJames wrote:

      What the actual fuck. YOU LITTERALY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME
      No? But you have been displaying all your characteristics here in detail....

      All I do do is stimulate your independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, I am helping you. I am thus a nice guy!
      All you do is being oversensitive and mean when you don't get what you want. So, in fact, you are a bully!

      Now, ofc, I do not expect you to say I am right about you being a Lizard Invader or a Lizard Collaborateur or how terrible it is to be of the gen-Z type.
      And you don't have to.
      You know I am right, and I know you know. No need to dwell on it in public
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      GeneralJames wrote:

      What the actual fuck. YOU LITTERALY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME
      No? But you have been displaying all your characteristics here in detail....
      All I do do is stimulate your independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, I am helping you. I am thus a nice guy!
      All you do is being oversensitive and mean when you don't get what you want. So, in fact, you are a bully!

      Now, ofc, I do not expect you to say I am right about you being a Lizard Invader or a Lizard Collaborateur or how terrible it is to be of the gen-Z type.
      And you don't have to.
      You know I am right, and I know you know. No need to dwell on it in public
      You are not the nice guy. Just like the Soviets where """Good Guys""" by putting eastern europe under new management. If you are getting offended at what I am saying, you are a snowflake, and oversensitive, when you claim Gen-Z is.

      You are wrong. I am not going to say you know you are wrong, but you are wrong. Have a good day, :thumbsup:
      Do YOU want COW to be more complex and tactical? Are YOU tired of updates that just add another P2W aspect of the game? Are you TIRED of the AUTHORITARIAN Mafga?

      Then YOU should VOTE the Improvement Party, which seeks to 'Improve' Call of War, and promote FREE and FAIR elections.

      VOTE for the Improvement Party! VOTE for a better future!
    • GeneralJames wrote:

      You are not the nice guy. Just like the Soviets where """Good Guys""" by putting eastern europe under new management. If you are getting offended at what I am saying, you are a snowflake, and oversensitive, when you claim Gen-Z is.
      You are wrong. I am not going to say you know you are wrong, but you are wrong. Have a good day, :thumbsup:
      Incoherent and irrelevant
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO
    • General Sherman wrote:

      vonlettowvorbeck wrote:

      Incoherent and irrelevant
      Like yourself and @Claudio NVKP
      Incoherent and irrelevant
      STOP THE DUMBIFICATION in favor of P2W & fly-by phone players!

      CHIEF EDITOR of The-Only-True-Truth(TM)

      ⵉⵏⵣⴰⵍⵉⵢⵏ !!ⵢⵉⵏ ⵙⵙⵉⵎⵓⵏ ⴰⵣⴳⴰⵢⴰⵏ!!

      "We can be wrong & we can know this and still do both" - a random Gen-Z, politician or gaming company CEO