VonEchoWolf wrote:
For me, I would be better off if we just returned to the previous state of the game (ie, before war bonds), because I think war bonds are unnecessary and totally realistic. For me, I would prefer to encounter a mass golder (and lose a game unfairly) every once in a while, over constant artificial gold actions every game. This cap will only exacerbate that, encouraging players to spend more war bonds more often. I think that they should just remove the war bonds entirely and go back to the old gold system.
Announcement Release Notes - 2025-01-28
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Bad updateW
Limiting purple gold is a step in the right direction. When the limits of purple gold and booster cards is set to ZERO, I might be tempted to return to Call of War.
We will see what they do, they been making bad choicesW
Hello, I was wondering if we buy war bonds with gold will it not take as much gold if we can't have as many war bonds?
For example if you have 32.000 war bonds and you click the option to buy 5.000 with 2.500 gold but the cap is at 36.000 what will happen to the other 1.000 war bonds? -
WolverineM1076 wrote:
Limiting purple gold is a step in the right direction. When the limits of purple gold and booster cards is set to ZERO, I might be tempted to return to Call of War.
300th post btw
Why is there a cap on manpower anyway? Please remove it altogether.
So, if I have a stack of 10 star lvl strategic bombers, it costs me 46,000 war bonds to heal them once. I guess this just isn't even an option?
BladeFisher wrote:
Far too low. Bad move. Cap could = the time limit before going inactive. Going to drag the game out even more or players resort to gold. Resources are difficult as it is.
Going to result in more retirements/players leaving. Whoever thought of this wants their head examining. Clearly a gold buying exercise and further helps make the game a golders and thus credit card oasis.
Northernking11 wrote:
This cap on war bonds is complete BS. you have all these players who just spam every unit they can afford the very second they can afford it. And they just keep throwing everything at the wall hoping it will stick. And most of them do it because they have no strategy and use no tactics. Their entire game is keep sending everything until they are out of units or the opponent has to eventually go to sleep at which point they get over run. So now the guy who fought with the army he had and was skilled enough to do it without the use of bonds is now punished. you are once again supporting the players who don't know how to play and punishing those who do. I mean in speed rounds the 45,000 cap won't even get you through 6 hours sleep. and negating one of the few advantages for having a premium account. and you might as well get rid of the sabotage building instant spy action. No one will ever be able to use that to any effect with the cap. So, why even bother with bonds? You created, everyone spends their bonds how and when they want to and how and where they see fit. Again rewarding the slack and poor players and punishing those who learn to use things wisely. And when I am running a coalition, unlike most i'm sure, I try to save my bonds so I can somehow help support a coalition member if and when its needed. Might as well for get that from any strategy plan. So basically, you're forcing us to use bonds as soon as we get them. I guess I would ask, why did you even invent bonds to the game if you don't want us to have and use them? Oh, yeah I forgot! Every day the Bytro staff wakes up, they have a million messages from crying NOOBS. First they don't know how to play and earn gold, so they cry. Then you give them bonds to compensate. Now that they can't figure out how to use the bonds correctly and they send more messages, you have to now limit the players who can get by and save their bonds, even though they got exactly the same amount of bonds as the noob who spent his. I think administration would be better served by their efforts and would better serve their community of players if you started implementing advisers who play, instruct, and teach players how to play. They're obviously never going to take the time to figure it out on their own. So, as usual, the players who do it correctly are punished, and any form of strategy and tactics are again removed and negated. Hooray to all the slack no nothing players! You're the players who ruin this game for everyone and Bytro loves and supports you in all your endeavors. PATHETIC!
The caps were requested to tone done the "magical" happenings on the map, e.g. spawning of big amounts of units at once in your face. So spendings of Warbonds should be now a bit more reasonable.
I would also say that it does not reward slackers, but it rather rewards active players who don't let their cap get full. Of course that would require you to spend them daily. Or you choose to live with the handicap if you are against Bonds usage entirely.
St. Chroma wrote:
Hi, can you make the cap bigger please? That's only enough for 2 sabotage actions at once.
King Romanov theIvan wrote:
Bytro, I hope your company rots in hell as Satan will be.
Yo chat, why is it that EVERYTHING good that Bytro has must these greedy devs ruin?! CoW was our home, it was where our coconut alliance was born... now there's only love in the dark.
Not only have they just made CoW CON 2.0, they just destroyed the glorious Coconut Union, they destroyed thousands upon thousands of alliances. EVERYTHING me and my people, and fellow players worked for and dedicated time for is now gone.
Bytro devs, screw you. You remove posts that harm your marketing, you're only hurting yourselves. I encourage anyone who knows how to program to make another game that is also exactly like CoW and to release it so we can all play that instead of this useless p2w BS.
The graphics suck, the controls suck, the resources suck.
Bytro, are you happy now? You just made call of war to become Iron order on poison pills.
Luka wrote:
Hello, I was wondering if we buy war bonds with gold will it not take as much gold if we can't have as many war bonds?
For example if you have 32.000 war bonds and you click the option to buy 5.000 with 2.500 gold but the cap is at 36.000 what will happen to the other 1.000 war bonds?
Torspo2 wrote:
Why is there a cap on manpower anyway? Please remove it altogether.
But we agree that displaying this limit is dumb, as well as having it in the first place if it can't be reached. So hopefully it can be removed in the future.
Northernking11 wrote:
So, if I have a stack of 10 star lvl strategic bombers, it costs me 46,000 war bonds to heal them once. I guess this just isn't even an option?
Freezy, the thing I like most about CoW is the graphics. This slimming down makes India look weird. Why was it done?
BladeFisher wrote:
Freezy, the thing I like most about CoW is the graphics. This slimming down makes India look weird. Why was it done?
So, I guess I want to start by saying thanks to FREEZY for the reply to my posts. Kind of nice to see a response from someone. But i'm still not happy with the bond cap. i guess I just feel that bonds and or gold are part of the game and every player should be able to use them when and where they want. I'm sorry if some other player spent all theirs on an invasion force to attack me and when they show up thinking they got it made in the shade, only to find out that I saved all my bonds to when said attack comes, I have what I need to respond to it at a moments notice. Why am I being punished for having a strategy and being prepared for worst case scenarios. The other guy spent every single bond he had and wasn't prepared for my response so that is his fault not mine. If its going to be part of the game then there shouldn't be any restrictions on it ever. Its either part of the game or its not. I never asked for bonds in the 1st place and didn't like them at 1st. But I've found a way to use them and think there is a place for them. But if there is going to now be a cap and i'm forced to use them when and where i don't want, then get rid of them all together. I just feel like you are catering to a specific type of player or style of play. And that's not fair to the rest of us and we are being penalized. I feel the same way about the cards that players on mobile have access to. I play on a PC, and I don't get the cards. How is this fair. I mean you guys seem to do all this balancing stuff to make the game more equal and fairer, but then you turn around and take away what you gave us to help make it fair. I actually think the bonds have turned out to be one of the best improvements to the game you guys have ever made. It has taken me a while to figure out how to use them to my advantage and not simply waste them. And now that i'm just starting to find a level of comfortability with them, you're going to pull the rug out from under me. I mean, if someone is planning to attack me, he can put spies out and see that I have half a million bonds in the bank. So, he needs to get his crap together before he invades me, or he shouldn't invade me. PERIOD! Not....oh, poor little me! I spent every bond I earned and sent every unit I own and got it shoved in my ...! Wha, wha, wha! I mean seriously, i've dropped a quarter million bonds in less than 5 minutes on several occasions and it wasn't enough. Oh well, that's my fault and totally on me. I'm not crying and blaming someone else for my poor play and lack of planning. I got back to the drawing board and try to do better next time. and thats the way it need to be for everyone across the board. And yeah, how do I get on the board of experienced player who you take suggestions from? I've been playing this game for almost 10 years now and I think i'm pretty experienced, but nobody asked me what I thought about anything. I actually have a lot of suggestions that I think would be helpful to you folks and would improve the game. and I know there is a whole little insider culture that the average player knows nothing about with the GO's and the private tournaments. but that's all kept hush hush from the average player. This game is so unique in that there are so many variables the options are endless if you really want to put in the effort and pursue them. But Bytro does nothing to promote this for some reason. I really feel that you guys are too closed minded about your own site and the potential for what this game could be. I have a premium account and can run a monthly scenario but no one is interested because there are no rewards and everything is normal speed. I've got 250,000 gold sitting in the bank going to waste. Why can't I put up my own gold as rewards for a tournament I run. Why can't I run a 10x tournament. Why isn't there a speed option for every scenario. There is a whole following of COW players who only play speed rounds, and you guys do very little to cater to these players. And why don't can't we have rewards that coalition leaders get to award their members at the end of a winning round, like a Bronze Star, or Medal of Honor to players who stepped up and helped carry the team. Give them a reason to be part of a coalition and step up and go beyond the call of duty for their team members. Why can't I buy the rights to run a tournament and open it to the public. I mean you guys are a little outrageous on your pricing for things but, ya know if it was even an option, i might consider dropping $50 bucks here or there if i could set up and run a tournament of my choosing and at the speed i and my friends prefer, and I would be happy to invite the rest of the COW community to join us. But instead you guys choose to limit everything and it frustrates your community. Open your minds and help us help you make this a better and more enjoyable site for all parties involved from the everyday lowly 2 stripe corporal to Bytro administration. And what about OPERATIONS? This is another recent addition that i personally think is great! It encourages players to go an conquer. Why don't you have operations running all the time? Gear them towards specific rounds or events, have multiple operations running at the same time. I still think you miss half of your audience because you lack the speed round option for most maps. This is just a tragedy to me and my fellow players. My team and I only play speed rounds so we are limited to the WAW 100 or a few event rounds that come around every so often. We want speed rounds for every map all day every day. It frustrates me because i have so many achievements i'll never reach because frankly, normal speed rounds SUCK! For me, speed rounds are where the action is, and you guys just don't have it going on in that aspect. I have no interest whatsoever in popping into my COW round and spending a few minutes sending troops here or there and coming back tomorrow and spending a few more minutes doing the same thing again. I want freaking action and lots of it! I mean i go 20, 30, or even more hours straight in game sometimes. But to do that and actually be able to enjoy it, I really need a 6x or 10x speed round or its just slow torture. The 4x rounds almost get me there but they're just not enough. And the 6x and 10x events only come around like once every other month. WTF is that all about. i mean its 2025 here, You guys need to get with the freaking program! and resources! OMG! The freaking resources in this are the biggest downfall. I mean we have how many different types of units and this doctrine gets this unit 2 days before the other doctrines. Yeah! It doesn't do anyone any good to run that doctrine for the early unit release because they'll never be able to afford to research or produce the freaking things anyway. And star lvl units? why even have them. 90% of your players never even get the blueprints for them, and the ones who do have the blueprints never get far enough in a round or have the resources to develop and produce them. Now the war bonds have kind of changed that and i've just recently started being able to use these much coveted units on a fairly regular basis but only because I have war bonds at my disposal. But you're taking away my war bonds so I won't be seeing these high level units much anymore. Why, why, why? Its just so frustrating. You guys always seem to mess with the things that make this game enjoyable. I mean seriously, don't we all just want resources coming out of our ears so we can just produce simply massive armies and go toe to toe against each other on a grand scale. Can't we put the days of a player producing 500 armored cars and taking over the entire map while everyone else in the round is sleeping. This isn't my idea of war. This is cheesy and so unrealistic. and planes VS ground units1 where do you guys come up with these damage ratios for like infantry to tac bombers? Its freaking joke. No where in the history of warfare have infantry units been able to take out Tactical Bombers, but here in COW a lvl 4 infantry unit can take a stack of 10 level 1Tac Bombers like they're nothing. This is insane. again you are promoting and catering to a player who refuses to develop an airforce so he can still compete. NOOOOOOOO! If they refuse to develop a complete and well-rounded army consisting of Naval, Ground, and Air units they should never expect to make it to mid game and never expect to compete against someone who does. Its just idiocy and again i say you are catering to the players who don't know what they're doing. If you have a problem with players crying because they can't compete you should limit them to playing against players of their own caliber. So a 2 stripe corporal shouldn't even be allowed in a round with guys that have officers rank or higher. And I would think this alone would cut down on a lot of the cheating. I have a majors rank and its taken me years to get it to that level. The last thing i'm ever going to do is pull some dumb crap that would jeopardize me losing that rank and having to start over from scratch. I know you have guys out there running multiple accounts and you guys do catch them and close their accounts as you should. This crap is totally uncalled for. Now if they are then limited to rounds where they can only play against low lvl players and not enter maps that their high level friends are playing in, I think they might think twice before risking losing their account and rank. Just some thoughts i had that I thought could be helpful to administration and possibly help improve the game a little more than the limiting of war bonds.
The post was edited 1 time, last by Northernking11 ().
ngl, this was the biggest wall of text without paragraphs that I have ever seen in this forum
Still, I have read it. Your feedback was noted. I don't have much else to say and also not really the time to dissect such a large post that mentions so many topics.
Regarding the Warbonds all I can say is that the cap will most likely be raised in a future update. While that may not please you entirely, perhaps it helps you a little at least. -
Wow that was some paragraph !
I get where ngl is coming from and I agree.
I think the best example of it was reference to 'senior players' advising Bytro to do something about warbonds. Well why didn't you consult on here? I quite like them and tbh use them for avoiding rebellions (which are again stupidly too regular and idiotically based - I said a year or so ago a rebellion should ONLY go to either its original owner or any subsequent province owner, not some random nation unconnected with it or indeed a coalition ally).
The troops v tactical bombers - totally agree. WWII troops didnt have shoulder mounted surface to air missiles !
My pet hate is submarines. They are treated more like mtb's. Ridiculous. Until the snorkel they were very vulnerable on the surface but often they attacked underwater and weren't attackable by Cruisers/Battleships. And as for convoys of armaments being able to attack them. Man what sort of planet were the game designers on with that one? The arctic convoys would have been pi** easy if the merchantman had only used their artillery guns and tanks to attack the u-boats !! Bonkers
So if Bytro/Stillfront are considering upgrades please give us the chance of being consulted. I've given a few thousand dollars to Bytro since 2020. -
CoW is a game. CoW is not a simulation.
there is only one reason for the cap on warbonds it competes with gold use (you will never see a cap on gold use)
AlexsanderZ. I know, but it is totally rubbish with these shortcomings. Lets have flying tanks and battleships.
freezy wrote:
ngl, this was the biggest wall of text without paragraphs that I have ever seen in this forumStill, I have read it. Your feedback was noted. I don't have much else to say and also not really the time to dissect such a large post that mentions so many topics.
Regarding the Warbonds all I can say is that the cap will most likely be raised in a future update. While that may not please you entirely, perhaps it helps you a little at least.
The europe map seems to have over 100 starting units now... which makes saving enough food and manpower to build units other than infantry and light tanks extremely slow.
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