Being able to see which game somebody is playing

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    • Being able to see which game somebody is playing

      When you click on somebody's profile, it would be something good to have a "SHOW" button next to the label that shows how much games a player had joined.
      If you click on the "SHOW" button, it could put up a list with the NUMBER(ID) and type of map of the games the respective player has joined, along with a"JOIN" button, which allows you to join the respective game if there are free spots.
      This suggestion would be good because it helps you to find games which are played by people you played other games in the past and also to find those who backstabbed you in the past and attack them for the first day :)) :evil:

      Below is an attachment with the "SHOW" button that I suggested.(Don't critic the ugly 'h" and "w", I done it in 3 minutes and tried to use the Call Of War specific font.
      • harta.png

        851.13 kB, 1,024×768, viewed 72 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Wolvergrad ().

    • Interesting idea.

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.