If you would like to start a game of Call of War and it is still looking for players you must do the following!
1. Join an existing game: you can access a game started and join with other users.
2. Recruit in the global Chat! : In the global chat you can recruit players interested in starting a new game.
3. Recruiting users in this section of the forum: This section of the Forum is designed to recruit people interested in new games. If you are interested in creating a new game, you can recruit in this section.
A greeting!
1. Join an existing game: you can access a game started and join with other users.
2. Recruit in the global Chat! : In the global chat you can recruit players interested in starting a new game.
3. Recruiting users in this section of the forum: This section of the Forum is designed to recruit people interested in new games. If you are interested in creating a new game, you can recruit in this section.
A greeting!
"I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.
"Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.