Call of War Turns 1!

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    • Call of War Turns 1!

      Tomorrow, Call of War will turn one year old. This is a thread to discuss how far it has come, what we enjoy about it, and what will (hopefully!) be in store for us.

      I joined on June 8th, a month and twenty-one days after Call of War started. I had been looking for a World War Two-based browser game for some time, and I had never even heard of S1914 or 30K at the time. I joined, took the tutorial, and began as Yugoslavia. This is the end of my second day there:


      I would end up conquering Italy, Albania, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, and Romania in 5 days. I was severely overextended, but I had fun.

      I also joined two days before the 22-player map came out, and as soon as it came out, I was all over it! I had 4 games running at once, all 22-player maps, at one point. I remember the game I played with my friend, @of Jophan, where we were both killed off in about 40 days but I escaped to Egypt and earned 14 gold.

      Then, Mediterranean Map came out– that was my favourite one– and then the Blitzkrieg– 1939 came out. I didn't like that one as much. But... on November 14th, 2015, the World Map came out! I was sick that day, so I was able to be the twelfth one to ever join a World Map match on Call of War. I joined as Caribbean but was defeated within 60 days (having taken Mexico, South USA, and the northern part of South America as an island nation, mind you.)

      I took a break after Christmas but I am now back. Tell me your story, what you enjoy, and what you hope for!

      It's been a while
    • Quasi-duck wrote:

      The Arctic is very important

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • purplepizza117 wrote:

      Quasi-duck wrote:

      The Arctic is very important. Antarctica is so-so.
      It is a conspiracy.

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • Quasi-duck wrote:

      No, with the Arctic, you are closer to the America's and the Washington-Moscow route is closer, even in the world map.

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • of Jophan wrote:

      I was going to create a similar thread tomorrow! :D

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • Maybe there will be a huge update tomorrow?

      either way..

      I joined this game in august I believe, gave up playing another game
      Display Spoiler
      alpha wars

      to play this, and was the best decision I prob have ever made(and trust me I have made a lot). I love the game, as well as the people here. The community here on CoW is one of my favorite things about the game... and as long as we have such a great bunch of players, Im happy :)

      My first game...
      I played as Finland.. 22 player.
      started off allies for Sweden, cleared most of Russia, went into Germany..
      Meanwhile I became enemies of France, they cleared UK, And went into Germany, and we went to war.. Then their allies Canada joined and it is to this day, one of the hardest battles I have ever fought. Meanwhile Another power was growing...
      Algeria. They invade Canadian occupied America.. and took most of it.. during that time, while France and I were bashing each other in a huge blood bath in Germany( In which I was winning, almost had Paris, got pushed back, pushed back) we came to our sense... Algeria was a gold spammer :wallbash :00008172:
      so we allied together, and went to war against the biggest gold spammer I have ever seen...
      I mean at least 1k..

      We worked together, using good tactics, that I was learning( this was my first game)
      and well, Id say I would have walked through both of them, today..
      but then was then.. and well we continued to push, and beat them back...

      I cleared one last power of Italy and Turkey, and won the 22 player map..
      the first game I ever joined, and a good victory..
      and so my love of Call of War began

      and to bytro and the rest of the gang..

      Thks for making such a good game..

      and :00002462: :00002501: :00002517: :00002448: :00002517: :00008040: :00002518: :00000436: :00000430:

      from now on, on this day, let us have large parties to remember this great b-day

      If Socialists understood Economics, they wouldn't be socialists
      -Friedrich von Haye

    • I joined June 26th 2015. I remember the funny folks in chat ^^. My first map was a 22 player map I think. I was Italy. I can still remember the players in that map. One being an alliance member that is still here in the alliance after all this time. I have always loved the 22 player map. My favorite country probably Yugoslavia or Italy. I really enjoyed working with my comrade in arms and chatting with folks in chat. Although many have gone and left, while some stayed, this game still remains unique and enjoyable. Then I used to have 12 games running at a time, that was crazy. And I will still part of a group called the Forum Gang... Those were the days... I like seeing new players, and to be able to help them learn and love the game like I do. That is the main reason I wanted and became part of staff. :)
      With the year over and gone, with many exciting new changes and updates, I look forward to more to come. It is my hope to see this game grow bigger and better than ever before, and to continue that cycle. I hope that when we look back upon this year, we will much to reflect on. This game has so much potential, so many different ways we can make it better. It us has been us, the community, that has made this game as great as it has been. I am hoping to stay for the long run, to be there to see all that gets implemented. I have the feeling we will have much to say in April 2017. ^^
      I would like to thank the developers for their hard work with creating and maintaining CoW. The great staffs for supporting the community. And most of all I would like to thank the community for supporting and giving their insight on making this one of the best online WWII game and the best Bytro game ever created. It is my pleasure to be working here. :)
    • I was the Soviet Union in my first game, which was really more of a learning game than it was competitive. I was the Soviet Union in a 10-player game. Unfortunately, I hadn't realized how unfairly powerful the USSR was at that point, and I got bored and went AFK.

      My first game I competitively participated in was, as @purplepizza117 mentioned, a 22-player map. I was Yugoslavia, and like @purplepizza117, I conquered several countries (Austria, Albania, Greece, parts of Bulgaria) and was planning an invasion of Ukraine when my partner, Romania, betrayed me. There were was a huge political alliance with just about every active player in the map, and I was requested to help out with Ukraine, Romania's ally, by @purplepizza117. I had to station troops in his land, and he must have felt threatened by it. I learned from my mistakes and now I'm good enough to take on just about anyone, given reasonably good land and armies.

      Thank you Call of War! You have taught me how to think like a dictator! :P

      "I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it." -Jack Handey

      The post was edited 2 times, last by of Jophan ().

    • of Jophan wrote:

      I was the Soviet Union in my first game, which was really more of a learning game than it was competitive. I was the Soviet Union in a 10-player game. Unfortunately, I hadn't realized how unfairly powerful the USSR was at that point, and I got bored and went AFK.
      A country isn't inherently powerful. It's what you do with it that makes it powerful.
      It's been a while
    • Hello,I found this game about 2 months ago and love it.I am a big fan of axis & allies and this game is it.I have played 3 22 player maps ,won 2 took 3rd in the other.I am currently in a 100 player map and enjoy the hell out of it.I enjoy the strategy part of the game,the 100 player maps make you think more,more people to worry about and i think it teaches you to be more diplomatic.

      I hope to make some good allies here that enjoy the game as much as i do.

    • I joined in mid august, and i rember going on the forums to see if there was nay good RP's starting when i saw a post by some guy called Butter Ball Bill creating a forum gang and my first post to that thread was "will there be cookies?". I could of never predicted all the random stuff that happened on this forum to me because of that post.

      Forum Gang Divine Entity :00000156:

      Taking over the Forum 1 post at a time.