Most Powerful Country In The World Right Now

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    • Most Powerful Country In The World Right Now

      Most Powerful Nation On Earth As Of 2016 39

      The result is only visible to the participants.


      Just wanted to get everyone's views on who exactly is the most powerful nation on Earth as of right now......hopefully we'll also be free of bias in making these assessments (i.e., if you're American, don't say America is the most powerful because you're only reason is 'Murica)

      Take into consideration both military power and soft power.
    • Brazil, Arabia, India and most likely Germany should be taken out of equation immediatly as they don't belong there. UK and US, as a core of the nato and world police are the most influental countries in the world, with military power to back it up. Russia and China work together often with common goals and have immense military power like previous, but their actions are more locally based.

      Probably that nato block is most powerful group, but if I would choose for single country, it would be either US or Russia, no dispute there.
    • Peoples Republic of China. They have a powerful military, but an even more powerful economy. Most of the western world relies on China to function, and because of that China has enormous influence, as well as substantial control over their own country, unlike other places (*cough* 'Merica *cough*) If things go bad for China, things go bad for the rest of the world.

      Also, America's military is 100% a bluff. They look all mean and scary now, but if they had to go against another world power (or superpower) they would back down. The US military could win against pretty much every other military at the moment, but nobody outside the military has the guts to commit to a war.
      Forum Gang Premier

      you are a balls
    • The amount of CV the PRC has is minimal compared to the US.

      On top of this, the US seems to either mothball or sell most of their old gear so they have a lot of spare stuff lying around. While a lot of the navy has been scrapped, they have some amount of AFV's and aircraft.

      :00000441: Forum Gang Commissar :00000441:

      Black Lives Matter!!!!! All Lives Matter!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    • Paramunac wrote:

      Brazil, Arabia, India and most likely Germany should be taken out of equation immediatly as they don't belong there. UK and US, as a core of the nato and world police are the most influental countries in the world, with military power to back it up. Russia and China work together often with common goals and have immense military power like previous, but their actions are more locally based.

      Probably that nato block is most powerful group, but if I would choose for single country, it would be either US or Russia, no dispute there.
      I through in the nations above because they are seen as potential superpowers, and,in Germany's case, the economic muscle and to some also the voice of the EU, a major bloc with a combined economic output greater than any country in the world.

      I am with you that NATO is the most powerful bloc in the world, but owing to the USA's abysmal deficit and China's shear population, I'd argue that China is most powerful individually.
    • Voted.

      "I came, I saw, I conquered" Written in a report to Rome 47 B.C., after conquering Pharnaces at Zela in Asia Minor in just five days; as quoted in Life of Caesar by Plutarch; reported to have been inscribed on one of the decorated wagons in the Pontic triumph, in Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Julius, by Suetonius.

      "Alea iacta est" Gaius Julius Caesar.
    • this is an unfair comparsion because though china has a much larger army but they are like the soviets in ww2 they have have a large army but alot of their stuff is obsolete and we havea very powerful weapon youmay have heard of called the nuke and i like fried chinnese food not fried chinnese ppl
    • How about Iran and it's gigantic missile stock?
      I mean the CIA believes, from the intel they have, that they have at least enough missile firepower to remove nearly here saudi arabian from the face of the earth. Iran has the biggest amount of conventionnal missiles in the world.
      Might be a reasonable choice no?
    • Notably China has an advantage because of their raw population, they have the manpower to rapidly expand their military in a war, where the USA and Russia have limits do to smaller population size. Also China's industry is more capable of being able to mass produce equipment for a rapid military buildup, The only nation who can compete with China in these areas really is India. The USA's technological advantage is like Germany in WW2, but China with industry and population is like America, or even Russia in WW2, the roles are reversed so the USA would need help from a large coalition of nations to hope to win a long term war against China.