Escorts for ocean-going aircraft convoys

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    • Escorts for ocean-going aircraft convoys

      At present the software will not permit naval units to combine with ocean-going aircraft convoys. There is no good reason for this, and as such appears to be a carryover from programming that does not permit aircraft units on the ground to combine with ground units (which makes sense); the inability to combine naval escorts with ocean-going aircraft convoys in a single stack, on the other hand, makes little sense.

      Could someone with knowledge of COW programming please address this? This should be fixed, and not subject to laborious and imperfect work-arounds that leave high-value convoys unprotected.

      Perhaps Super Moderator @WiseOdin could do so?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by MontanaBB ().

    • WayneBo wrote:

      The innovative user will simply put one ground unit with the escorting warships, thereby reducing the speed to the same as the convoy of aircraft.
      Yeah, Wayne, I figured out the goofy work-around several week ago, but it is an imperfect one as it still leaves the aircraft convoy largely unprotected from air attack and naval gunfire. The work-around does offer some measure of protection against submarines that lie in front of the aircraft convoy, as the separate escorts will also plow into the sub(s) either immediately before or after the aircraft convoy, possibly saving or reducing the damage to the aircraft convoy.
    • Sorry for the few days it took for my reply. Wayne's way of stacking one ground unit with an armada so the fleet will match speed with the aircraft is, as of yet, the best we can offer. I'm pushing this thread up to the devs to remind them of this issue, as it has been apparent for some time.
      Free Time looks good on me