Map level On/Off on Gold for HC players?

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    • Map level On/Off on Gold for HC players?

      It would be nice if there were a way to disable Gold at the map level. I am in perpetual fear of hitting that gold button and getting booted from the PL game. Perhaps as a feature of buying "High Command"?

      For clarity, I am using gold in one of my games. The justification (to my conscience since it feels like cheating) is I joined the game to replace a player who walked. This means the tech tree, building and unit production are all 48 hours behind the rest of the group. So, I spend to catch up. No, I will not join a game like this again. It is costing $$$ and I will be very lucky if I even get within reach of the podium. A bit of a losing situation, to say the least. I joined the game as an experiment to see if a replacement player would get to pick which country he wanted in a multiple open slots situation (it didn't work that way). As it stands, there is no reason for joining an ongoing game since the position will be behind and it will impact any "ranking" one might be working toward.

      Anyway, it would be nice if at the top level of the game interface (for the player) there was an option to enable / disable Gold usage. That way, I have shown my willingness to pay, I just want more control over which games get gold.