Call of War- Forum

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  • Brand new map graphics

    Call of War is sporting a new look - making the game look better than ever before. Inspired by realistic terrain, the map now has varied biomes. Cold ice is covering the poles, while the sun shines down mercilessly on the deserts of the Sahara. Mountains rise up high into the sky, while lush green plains wait for your tanks to roll through.

    A new handy map filter lets discerning commanders distinguish easily between different terrain types. And despite looking this much better, the graphics update also brings a boost to the performance, making it smoother to scroll through your territories. Check out the new visuals in any map now - and let us know what you think!

    Anti-Air Units are now ranged

    Get ready to take your air defense to the next level! Anti-Air units now are ranged units, marked by a purple circle. Any enemy aircraft that attacks friendly units within this range will take a guaranteed hit from the AA, while all enemy planes simply passing through have a chance to take damage as well. To balance this powerful new mechanic, AA units have received a slight HP nerf, and additionally, Self-Propelled AA has a slightly shorter range than standard AA. With this update, clever positioning of your Anti-Air becomes vital for success!

    Country Flag Upload Disabled on Desktop

    With this update, the ability to upload custom country flags, as well as changing the leader name and title, has been disabled. This change was made due to frequent player confusion and a high volume of related support requests. While flag customization was never available on mobile, this adjustment ensures a more consistent experience across platforms. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to continue representing your nation on the battlefield in other ways!

    For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

    Your Call of War Team

  • New maximum storage capacity for War Bonds, fix of the embarkment/disembarkment bug and more!

    We’re introducing a new maximum storage capacity for War Bonds! We have heard your feedback about strategies that involve stockpiling War Bonds, so we are shaking things up to keep the action flowing. With this change, players who log in daily and spend their War Bonds smartly will have an edge, rewarding active participation on the map. And it also makes gameplay more predictable - no more late game surprises about how many War Bonds your opponent might be sitting on!
    Please note that this change also makes an already existing storage cap on Manpower visible. This cap was already in place before today’s update, and as such won’t impact gameplay.

    Further we have fixed a critical bug surrounding embarkment and disembarkment of units. The bug allowed crafty Generals to skip the intended timer for the action. Now everything works as intended, making naval landing forces as vulnerable as they should be during the critical phases of an invasion.

    For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

    Your Call of War Team

  • Happy Holidays!

    As the snow blankets the battlefield and festive lights shine over your territories, we’re taking a moment to wish you peace, joy, and plenty of victories both in Call of War and in life. Regardless of where in the world you are, or how you choose to celebrate, we hope this season brings you holiday cheer and warm memories.

    To make this holiday extra festive, you can join the Call of Christmas event maps to celebrate in merry style. Take over Antarctica in this only available once-a-year classic, and get rewarded handsomely with bountiful prizes. And of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without a gift - so check in the Operations window for your own little package from Santa himself.

    As we look back on the year, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to every single one of you: the grizzled veterans and daring newcomers, the chat celebrities and newspaper poets, the master tacticians and fearless warriors - and of course to all those behind the scenes who brought the game to life. It is your alliances, battles and stories that make Call of War come alive. We are grateful, and humbled, to have such a vibrant community.

    We once again want to wish you warm, wonderful holidays and hope you spend a good time with your loved ones. Our eyes are already set on the next year, and we can’t wait for what adventures it will bring.

    Your Call of War Team

  • Balancing changes to alleviate Oil shortages, new tutorial map test and important bug fixes.

    We’ve been closely monitoring the impact of the recent Resources Reforged update. From the feedback you all provided it has become clear that there is a shortage of Oil in the early stages of the game. This is why we’ve shifted costs on some units and buildings over to consume the more abundantly available Metal instead. This evens out resource consumption across all stages of the game, leading to a smoother gameplay experience.

    Also we are testing improvements to our tutorial maps. Some of our Clash of Nations tutorial maps for new players will now start at war with a neighbouring NPC country, have a rebalanced starting unit setup and a few quality of life improvements. Check out the detailed Release Notes below if you wish to know more about this. Please note that this change is still in testing, and as such only available to a selected number of new players.

    Further we fixed an immersion breaking bug on the 1939 - Blitzkrieg and Road to war scenario maps. The flags for many of the countries were mixed up. Now the correct flags are displayed next to the country nametags. Patrolling air units no longer apply the wrong province morale damage, instead applying the correct 50% damage per damage tick. And finally, we fixed an annoying bug on the World at War map, where a province in Mexico paid out ten times the intended Manpower per hour.

    For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

    Your Call of War Team

  • Resources Reforged is live now: Goods and Rare Materials are no longer available on newly created maps - Massive overhaul for the World map, adding Rivers around the globe to enhance gameplay.

    Goods and Rare Materials have been removed from the game! This change applies to all newly created game rounds. Please read our update news from last week for more information on this change.

    The Resource rework also comes with a balancing update to Industry buildings. We’ve slightly increased the initial build costs, but here’s the big payoff: Industry buildings now get a boost in production efficiency at higher levels. This means investing in urban production is a higher-stakes choice - but one that comes with even greater rewards!

    Further, we’re thrilled to announce that rivers have arrived on the World map! Following the updates to the European and North American scenarios, rivers now also flow through the World Scenario. They are transforming the battlefield with dangerous choke points and new, surprising routes for naval attacks. Dive in and explore the revamped World at War map, or get ready to experience these changes in the next Free For All event.

    For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server. Your Call of War Team