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  • I've got about 350 gold left, and can't seem to find anything to do with it. Am I just stuck with this, or is there a way I can burn it in this game? I'm not going to spend any more money to get more gold at this point. But, hate having it just sitting there in my account.

  • Quote from BRDubbs: “You can always stop construction on a building. Click the province. At the top you should see the construction status along with a big red X that you can click to stop the build. If you don't see this, perhaps you should try a different brower like Firefox or Chrome. ” Thanks for the clarification. Can't explain why I didn't see that before. But, I certainly see that now! (using Chrome BTW).

  • Do I +1 something simply by liking the original post? If not, how do I do it because I'd like to throw my weight behind this one too.

  • When you capture a territory any buildings which the enemy force/AI had been building seem to continue to build until completion. It would be really nice if I could kill the building process by clicking on the (non-existent) X, just like I can with buildings I'm constructing in my territories. I'm not interested in necessarily recovering the resources spent by the enemy/AI when they started to construct those buildings. I just want to be able to kill building in case there's something else that'…

  • I can happily report that I can now get into game 1865627!! And just like that it goes POOF again! This time it's only telling me it's not available.

  • In another thread I was reading someone said they were all banned because using the same IP address is against the EULA. I'd suggest you guys send a message to the tech support team to see if they can reinstate you, and make some kind of an exception. Bummer you lost hard money (i.e.: the gold you bought). (Don't work for the company, just passing on the info I saw elsewhere since nobody has responding to you since you asked your question).

  • Close your game, empty your browser cache and then log back into your game. Something in your browser's cache doesn't jive with what the server has, and so the server is squawking at you.

  • 1. Game ID: 1865627 2. Is this happening to all your game or not, aslo is it FP or not: This is my only game. Not sure what you mean by FP. 3. Provide a screenshot(Screenshots help us a lot to understand and if there's an error devs would like to see it)

  • Not sure where to report this. But, there seems to be an absolutely horrendous lag on the chat channels today. I post something in help, and it doesn't pop up for two to three minutes. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be effecting the game play. I stand corrected. Troop movement orders seem to be impacted too. Bummer. Hope it's resolved soon.

  • One of the players in my game has now went inactive. We'd been allies since the first part of the game, and had both changed our statuses to "Share Map." I noticed now that while my relationship to him is still Share Map, his relationship to me is now "Right of Way." Does that get changed automatically if a player goes inactive? FWIW, he was the Game Admin so obviously didn't boot himself, and I'm the new Game Admin, and haven't booted him, so it's not as if the player got kicked from the game. …

  • Quote from Not A Communist: “You have to research Nuclear reactors before they even show up as a possible option but yeah. ” Well, it's inconsistent then as nuclear aircraft, ships and rockets are listed as items even though they might be able to be built (i.e: no research)

  • When moving ships do I drag the line to the city where the harbor is located, or to the little pier symbol that appears when I build my naval base?

  • I went to look something up in the manual and have found that Naval Base is not one of the items described in the manual. Interestingly Nuclear Reactor is, even though it does not appear in the list of buildings which I can construct (all of the possible units do, even if they appear at higher levels only).

  • Went to check whether some forces arrived in my port yet, and was greeted with the image below. Reminds me of the scene in the Close Encounters of the Third Kind Special Edition, where they discover the huge ship in the middle of the Gobi Desert.

  • So basically it might just be a long cruise for nothing, if there's no ships to see. Thanks for the clarification. Another question I have, that would be sort of related. Since I'm not buying a Premium plan (i.e.: no High Command), I can't change the Fire Control setting. What is the default Fire Control access? I tried finding the answer to that online. But, a Google search gives me no specific answers.

  • But, what I'm trying to do is attack any ships IF they are there. How does a submarine do that? Or, like I asked before, does the submarine have to actually see a ship to do that?

  • Maybe I'm just not understanding something; which is certainly possible since this is my first game of CoW. I am trying to attack a naval base in case the enemy has some ships in harbor. I don't know whether there are any ships there, and it's quite probably there aren't any ships there. When I tell my squadron (1 destroyer, 1 submarine), to attack the harbor, it asks me to specify the attack. However, I get the "ghostbuster" symbol (sorry, I don't know what else to call it), and clicking result…

  • After someone pointed out where to find the notice of the new day, I can find the info out at my leisure. But, I noticed something odd today. The server I'm on seems to start the new day five minutes BEFORE the hour (i.e.: 23:55) I realize there are some odd time zones out there. But, can't believe anywhere in Germany is on the 55th minute.

  • Thanks for pointing that out. Pretty buried though. But, at least it's there.

  • It should be fairly simple. Add a sex demographic to the user's profile, and then the message will access that information when they format the message. She for F, he for M, and if someone chooses "Prefer not to Say" then they get he because the vast majority of gamers are still probably male. (If he/she are not what Lizzy was talking about, then just use the proper terms). Women/Girl gamers are the largest growing segment of the customer base. Giving them a simple recognition of their sex shoul…