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  • And it's not the same fleet, the last were all submarines, these are destroyers.

  • They're back! A 6 ship flotilla at 95% morale! They still have no provinces and no resources coming in. HOW?

  • How long do you think it's stockpiles will last? Pretty sure they had not much of anything even before I finished off their land armies. And why did they not attack me when I had a large unescorted army going through exactly the same area a few days ago? Their fleet must use some amount of grain and oil every day, how are they maintaining this with nothing coming in after more than a week?

  • So how is the fleet being maintained when they have no resources? Why did they not attack me earlier and what's going on with Estonia? It doesn't even appear on my list of countries anymore and I defeated them weeks ago, their attacks are reported in my newspaper as a new war so your explanation does not stand up there at all. Thanks all the same.

  • How does a country I defeated a week ago and that has no provinces or resources manage to create and maintain a naval fleet that now attacks my ships? After I defeated the country I was informed I was no longer at war, now a fairly large flotilla has appeared from nowhere and I am informed I am once again at war with them. They have a daily upkeep of oil and grain, where is that coming from? I have also been attacked in a similar way by ships from a country I defeated before that which doesn't e…