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  • Modern RP 2000

    Amywalker - - Roleplaying Threads


    This sounds great! I'd love to have the United States, if I could. I only have a single game under my belt when it comes to Call of War, but in Supremacy I'm a five year veteran. I've been in four large role-playing games. The longest lasting one was nine months before people began to quite due to inactivity. While it lasted we had some of the most amazing RP I had ever seen. I'm a Canadian, but I've been living in the United States for the past three years and have an affinity for the history a…

  • Grain Crisis

    Amywalker - - General Discussions


    Darn, as a dictator of my people I say they all need to go on a diet. I need that food for my imperial ambitions!

  • Grain Crisis

    Amywalker - - General Discussions


    I'm getting rather desperate here. For the past week I've dealt with a grain derelict which has bankrupted my cash income as I buy-up market offers. Today I've disabled the last of my barracks in an attempt to conserve my income. This gave me a small surplus, but I cannot build any units without agitating the problem and it's only a matter of time until I'm at war with a neighbor who likely has not suffered a grain issue and has thus continued to build units. I looked at my consumption and produ…