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  • Quote from purplepizza117: “Why did you cross out all of the numbers? ” Well, I wouldn't want people to know how weak my armies are now would I? :p But we digress, I sure hope a Bytro community relations would clear the initial question up.

  • Ya don't say? :v QmPJ7Ci.png

  • I fully agree. And hahah, that correction, though. :3

  • Hm... That varies from different personalities, really. Have you never had the thought, "Gosh, I wish I could have a map which makes me work together with more than just 2 people". Nevertheless, I will agree with you. I don't think Bytro did enough beta testing on this one. The shortest route algorithms are off, and there are heck tonne of things that need some reconditioning for this specific map. I hope that our overlords at Bytro wake up and realize they have created a monstrosity. :p

  • Quote from Azkazan: “Quote from _Pontus_: “build fortresses and the problem is largely solved ” so you suggest building 500 fortresses in 500 far away periferal provinces? how much iron/goods/money does that cost? ” Quite a lot. But, as your nation gets bigger, so does your iron output. We should be happy that iron is not consumable. Nevertheless, I was simply pointing that out. I personally feel that this is a generally bad idea. The amount of micromanagement required to wait and upgrade each a…

  • Food huh? Well here's some food for thought, let's say that Kalantigos is right: Quote from Kalantigos: “I'm starting to think that conquering the world alone may not in fact be possible. Maybe it was designed to be unachievable? Sort of realistic in that sense, requiring the help of other players to reach that level of power, making the game harder the bigger you make your country. ” If there is no offset for the morale drop, we'll have to get 60% points without conquering half the world. In th…

  • I think this is a pretty big problem. Not only does it hurt gameplay, but it can also be exploited. In my round, half the nations are still active. And most of them are in groups of alliances of 5 to 9 nations. If these alliances were to team up, let's say in a world war - simply declaring wars against a common enemy would be enough to bring that nation to its knees. Think about it, that's 20 nations you are at war with - what sort of penalty would you expect?

  • In my game, it's day 12, and players are starting to break the 200 points mark, and already there are 14 morale penalties on the distant provinces. And it takes 1 day for my troops to get there from my capital. With 156 provinces, the largest nation has conquered barely 4% of the entire map. And if we're getting 14 morale penalties already, consider how much more difficult it will be to expand when a nation is even 10% of the map, or across the Ocean (I'm looking at you, Americas). I read that t…