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  • North Korea

    J.Sanders - - Off Topic


    I'm sad that you do a poll and the answer is it zero threat or 100 come on stands no chance to major threat . simple put I wont vote because there is no middle ground.

  • Nuclear Bomb Radius

    J.Sanders - - Questions and Answers


    50km so the same range as artillery

  • Thank you Azakazan for you opinion. That is a valid point but wouldn't a bigger country have more manpower to build stuff faster then a small country. just like they would have more resources to build more unit it just the advantage of having manpower. Maybe smaller countries could build LVL 3 barrack to improve manpower without expanding? Would consume food but it can be turned off. Maybe less food consumption for barracks?

  • Thank you. George your opinion is valued.

  • Hello and good day to whom ever may be reading this...I have one idea I would like to get the communities opinions on. So playing this game I've noticed that that sometimes you have all the manpower in the world and nothing to use it for. So simply put should we be able to use manpower to add a reduction to production time. Say if it takes 1500 manpower for a battleship, and you spend 3000 manpower it can be produced in half the time of course the detail could be buffed out if it were to be impl…