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  • Garrison Regiments

    Drink_Pepsi - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from _Pontus_: “Quote from aDudeWhoDoesThings: “moral= hit points in this game ” and attack. a low moral also reduces attack. so, moral basically is the condition of the unit, as in: how men (hit points) & how many guns (fire power) the unit has. that is what I have made out of it... lowering moral would be a bad idea as moral is repaired automatically at server reset. IMO militia already does what you say. they are no good for nothing except defence, are relatively weak and fast build. th…

  • Damaged Barracks

    Drink_Pepsi - - Bug Reports and Issues


    There is a bug where if a level 2 or above is damaged, you are unable to disable the building. This forces you to suck out food when/if you really don't even want a barracks in the province. This is very troublesome when taking over a nation and you get stuck with a barracks that cant be disabled, and you dont have the resources to repair.

  • Garrison Regiments

    Drink_Pepsi - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Kalantigos, that's the point I was making though. That the garison and militia units have a reduced condition to balance the faster build and/or cheaper cost.

  • Garrison Regiments

    Drink_Pepsi - - Suggestions / Criticism


    What about implementing Garrison Regiments that move very slowly, are primarily defensive, have almost no offense at all, and specialize in urban defense. These units could be small, maybe only max out at say... 50% morale as an example, good fighting ability and take around 500 manpower to built. This I think would give some players more incentive to fight til the bitter end in some circumstances. In addition if you were to put in such a regiment, you could also rebalance militia to cost 1000 m…

  • AA Installations?

    Drink_Pepsi - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from salbalkus: “Couldn't you just place normal AA units in a fortified area? It would be the same effect. ” Of course you could. But what if you would rather that mobile AA unit be with your front line forces to deal with tactical bombers hitting your attacking armies?

  • AA Installations?

    Drink_Pepsi - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from wardawg8: “So you want to build the installation then equip it from AA research levels? Would it require an AA unit for each 'opening' in the installation? (See below) Or would it come equipped with AA that has been researched and upgrades as other units do? I like the idea but brings up some questions. 300px-Flakturm-Bauarten.png ” The research branch to my suggestion was just an idea. Someone brought up the spending of precious materials on research for this. My response was that yo…

  • Gold Confirmation

    Drink_Pepsi - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Quote from Catalin92: “No really ? :)) If i give my phone to touch it... can i push you to buy it ? If you just wanna touch it ? ” Why can't you just tap the confirm button? Clicking a second time is THAT time consuming?

  • AA Installations?

    Drink_Pepsi - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Quote from gorebello: “there is alrealy the flack. do you want a higher armored defense? that would be unrealistic and overpower. since ww2 there is no efective protection against a plane bomb that is not evading or destroying the plane. so thumbs down to AA defenses. also the game follows the logic that you need to spend precious minerals to reserch the production of anything that can cause damage to anything. even the fortress is only more defense, it doesnt cause damage. to it would be overpo…

  • AA Installations?

    Drink_Pepsi - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Considering how crucial aircraft can be on this game, and the fact that you can build fortifications, there should also be AA installations to help guard against aircraft.

  • Gold Confirmation

    Drink_Pepsi - - Bug Reports and Issues


    I am getting really damn annoyed about the spending of gold on this. Why is there not a confirmation when buying resources? Why is there not a slider like when buying with in game money? Twice now I have accidentally clicked a buy resource for gold and BOOM 2,500 gold gone. They weren't even resources i needed! I don't expect my gold to be refunded, but my god this needs fixed. This is infuriating...